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Religious Studies

  1. Dorothy Day accepted DD medal from then college president

    Manhattan College Dedicates the Dorothy Day Center

    His Eminence, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, blessed the new center, which houses a collection of historical materials and archives related to Dorothy Day, including some of her personal artifacts. The center will serve as a resource for the campus, the local community, and the worldwide Lasallian network on topics related to Day and the wider Catholic social justice tradition. 

  2. Judith Plaskow

    Pioneering Jewish Feminist Theologian Judith Plaskow Inducted into National Women's Hall of Fame

    The  professor emerita of religious studies spent more than three decades teaching at Manhattan College.    

  3. Dorothy Day Art

    RADICAL ACTION Art Show Sheds Light on Dorothy Day's Inner World

    Manhattan College's O'Malley Library Gallery hosts exhibit inspired by social activist.     

  4. Pax Christi Awards Ceremony

    Professor of Religious Studies Receives Prestigious National Peacemaker Award

    Kevin Ahern was cited for his worldwide peacemaking efforts.    

  5. Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg

    Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg to Discuss Repentance and Repair at the 2023 Judith Plaskow Lecture on Women and Religion and The Aquinas Lecture

    On March 29, Ruttenberg will be the series keynote speaker addressing issues of philosophy, morality, feminism and religion.  

  6. stained glass window showing holy nativity scene on Christmas

    Merry Christmas from Manhattan University

    From all of us at Manhattan University, we wish you a Merry Christmas, blessed New Year, and a happy and healthy holiday season. 

  7. Dorothy Day receives the De La Salle Medal

    Manhattan College Establishes the Dorothy Day Center

    The Catholic activist is currently being considered for sainthood.

  8. Portrait photo of Dorothy Day

    Dorothy Day Guild Meets at Manhattan College

    Scholars, New York archdiocese officials, members of the Catholic Worker movement, and people who worked with Day in her lifetime participated.

  9. Group helping move furniture into refugees' new home

    Students and Faculty Partner with Neighbors to Resettle Family of Afghan Refugees

    Students worked with a local coalition to welcome a family of seven to the U.S.

  10. Photo of a Holocaust, Genocide and Interfaith Center event

    Spring 2022 HGI Center Events Start with Holocaust Remembrance Day

    Robert Williams of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum will speak on January 27.

  11. Kevin Ahern speaking to group

    Kevin Ahern Closes Chapter as International President of Catholic Lay Movement

    Pope Francis recognized the work Ahern has done in international Catholicism.

  12. Chapel of De La Salle and His Brothers

    Discussion on How Immigrants Have Impacted the Church Set for October 6

    Deborah Kanter, Ph.D., has chronicled the impact that Mexican immigrants have had on Catholic parishes in Chicago.

  13. HGI signage in O'Malley Library

    HGI Center Celebrates 25 Years with Full Fall Schedule

    On October 5, the Center will host the authors of “We Refuse to be Enemies,” a story about an unlikely friendship.

  14. HGI signage in O'Malley Library

    Holocaust, Genocide and Interfaith Education Center to Celebrate 25th Anniversary

    The Center has educated students and the community for a quarter century.

  15. De La Salle statue on quadrangle

    Lasallian Education Symposium on De La Salle’s Feast Day

    Kevin Ahern, Ph.D., associate professor of religious studies, will be the keynote speaker.

  16. Concentration camp uniform hanging in O'Malley Library

    HGI Center Earns Grant to Expand Ziering Collection

    Herman Ziering was a Holocaust survivor and justice seeker after he fled a concentration camp.

  17. Mehnaz Afridi standing in front of HGI Center banner

    Six HGI Events Begin with Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27

    The HGI Center will also host an interdisciplinary teach-in on white nationalism on February 2.