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  1. Picture of Manhattan University sign unveiling

    2024 Year in Review

    Here we revisit the most memorable moments of 2024, a year of new beginnings and innovation.

  2. Picture of Michael and Aimee Kakos with Brother Daniel Gardner FSC President of Manhattan College

    2022 Year in Review

    Here we revisit the most memorable moments of 2022, a year of new beginnings and innovation.

  3. Sr. Mary Ann Jacobs, Sr. Remegia Kushner and Fatima Carvalho-Gianni

    Sister Remigia Kushner and Sister Mary Ann Jacobs Honored for their Contributions to Catholic Education

    Their careers in education at Manhattan College have been dedicated to leadership and service.

  4. Haley O'Connell sitting in classroom

    Haley O’Connell ’18, ’19 (M.S.) Brings Special Education Background to Nearby Public School

    O’Connell currently teaches at P.S. 81, minutes away from campus.

  5. Safe Halloween photo

    Kappa Delta Pi Gains Notice for Virtual Halloween Program

    The Education and Health honor society is recognized for its efforts in the community.

  6. Ian Levy walking on campus in spring 2021

    School Counseling Program Uses Hip-Hop to Connect with Students

    Ian Levy, Ed.D., and school counseling students are using an offbeat approach to reach their students.

  7. man speaking to crowd of people at higgins building dedication event

    2021 Year in Review

    Here we revisit the most memorable moments of 2021, a year that helped us return to the people and places we love at Manhattan College.