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  1. Picture of Manhattan University sign unveiling

    2024 Year in Review

    Here we revisit the most memorable moments of 2024, a year of new beginnings and innovation.

  2. Photo of Pamela Chasek

    Manhattan University Professor Highlights Innovative Sustainable Development Learning Research Education

    Learning initiative researches how the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development can be implemented and taught at higher ed institutions

  3. Photo of 4 of the students who presented at Aphra Behn Conference

    Manhattan University Students Presented Papers At Annual European Aphra Behn Conference

    First Undergraduate Students To Present At The Scholarly Gathering In Kent, England

  4. O'Malley School of Business door and AACSB accreditation sign

    Manhattan College's School Of Business Reaffirms AACSB Accreditation

    O’Malley School of Business maintains prestigious accreditation for six years

  5. photo of manhattan college campus

    Manhattan College Receives NSF Grant

    Among Seven Catholic Institutions to Promote Underrepresented Minorities in STEM

  6. Fall Campus

    Manhattan College’s Society of Physics Students Wins Outstanding Chapter Award

    The chapter's accomplishments and activities during the 2022-2023 academic year led to the  coveted recognition.    

  7. George Giakos

    Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor Selected as One of the World’s Top Industry Scientists by International Artificial Intelligence Alliance

    George K. Giakos, Ph.D., was chosen for his research and contributions in the field of artificial intelligence. 

  8. Bart Horn

    Manhattan College Physics Professor Receives $135,000 NSF Grant to Study Early Universe Cosmology

     Bart Horn, Ph.D., wants to create opportunities for undergraduates and introduce a new generation of researchers to the field  

  9. De La Salle Third Floor Dedication

    The O'Malley School of Business at Manhattan College Unveils Transformation of Third Floor, De La Salle Hall

    The renovations bring a learning environment that combines modern aesthetics with the latest in educational technology.     

  10. Angelina Persaud

    Chemical Engineering Student Completed Summer Internship at Columbia University Climate Research Laboratory

    Angelina Persaud ’25, studied the applications of ultrasonic technology for drying processes to increase energy efficiency.    

  11. Angel Pineda

    Mathematics Professor Awarded a $434,000 Grant from the National Institutes of Health

    This is a renewal of Angel Pineda’s current grant continuing his research into MRI effectiveness and efficiency.    

  12. JimenaGonzález-Ramírez

    Manhattan College Professor Awarded Grants to Diversify Economics Education

    Jimena González-Ramírez wants to increase the success of women and historically underrepresented groups in the economics profession.    

  13. UN Sustainable Goals

    Manhattan College Professor Pamela Chasek Among International Researchers Calling for Major Reforms of the UN Sustainable Development Goals

    The political science professor is a co-author of an article published on September 15 in the journal Science.      

  14. Male student and professor showing knee brace for ACL injuries

    2023 Summer Research

    The 2023 Jasper Summer Research Scholars examine the health and societal issues impacting our world right now.

  15. Wyatt Madej

    Manhattan College Systems Administrator Receives First Charlie Bender Scholarship

    The scholarship will help Wyatt Madej ’21, ’24 (MBA) further his education in supporting research computing systems and advanced cyberstructure.    

  16. Manhattan College Campus

    Manhattan College Receives $639,778 National Science Foundation Grant to Improve Campus Networking Infrastructure

    The grant is the largest NSF grant received in the College’s history.    

  17. Kelly Student Commons

    Raymond W. Kelly ’63 Student Commons Receives LEED Gold Certification for the Second Time

    The building attained gold certification in operations and maintenance.    

  18. Pax Christi Awards Ceremony

    Professor of Religious Studies Receives Prestigious National Peacemaker Award

    Kevin Ahern was cited for his worldwide peacemaking efforts.    

  19. Astronomy Students

    New Minor Offers Students the Chance to Study the Stars

    The Kakos School of Science will introduce an astronomy minor in the fall.    

  20. Ali James

    Alixandria James ’23 Receives Joseph J. Gunn ’30 Medal

    James has spent her four years in college serving others and excelling academically.    

  21. Ali James

    Alixandria James ’23 Named Undergraduate Valedictorian

    A public health major and Truman Scholar, James will be the student speaker at Undergraduate Commencement.    

  22. Dominique Whyte

    Chemical Engineering Student Wants to Break Negative STEM Stereotypes

    Dominique Whyte ’25 is also passionate about her research in sustainable energy and development.  

  23. Rebecca Coglianese

    Manhattan College Physics Major Wants to Inspire and Encourage Young Women to Pursue STEM Careers

    Rebecca Coglianese ’23, is passionate about her future in astrophysics while battling a cancer diagnosis.  

  24. Women in STEM Panel

    Women in STEM Event Brings Together Alumnae, Faculty and Students to Share their Professional, Academic and Research Accomplishments

    The event introduced prospective students to the unique opportunities that await them at Manhattan College. 

  25. Picture of Michael and Aimee Kakos with Brother Daniel Gardner FSC President of Manhattan College

    2022 Year in Review

    Here we revisit the most memorable moments of 2022, a year of new beginnings and innovation.

  26. Dorothy Day receives the De La Salle Medal

    Manhattan College Establishes the Dorothy Day Center

    The Catholic activist is currently being considered for sainthood.

  27. SOE Faculty

    Civil and Environmental Engineering Department Receives NSF Grant

    The National Science Foundation (NSF) award will help College faculty and alumni develop learning modules that prepare undergraduate engineering students for the workplace.

  28. two students and professor in a lab with stair climbing wheel chair

    2022 Summer Research

    The 2022 Jasper Summer Research Scholars examine the health and societal issues impacting our world right now.

  29. Manhattan College campus photo

    NSF Grant Allows Engineering Students to Research Smart and Connected Systems Technology in Spain

    The Electrical and Computer Engineering department at Manhattan College has been awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to engage in research focused on smart and connected systems technology. As part of the award, College students will spend eight weeks in Spain at the University of Zaragoza.

  30. Portrait photo of Miguel Díaz-López ’20

    Miguel Díaz-López ’20 Awarded NASA and Department of Defense Fellowships

    The Manhattan College alumnus will work alongside NASA scientists and mentors at the organization’s facility as he researches spacecraft landings.

  31. Students using research object in laboratory

    Engineers Working on Department of Defense Project to Analyze Former Test Sites

    Civil engineers are helping the U.S. military maintain a safe environment.

  32. Portrait photo of Poonam Arora

    Poonam Arora Among Those to Receive $5M NSF Grant on Climate Change

    The O’Malley School of Business professor aims to engage communities to enable coastal resilience.

  33. man with blond hair performing experiment in science lab

    2021 Summer Researchers Address World Problems

    The 2021 Jasper Summer Research Scholars examine the health and societal issues impacting our world right now.

  34. Students in chemical engineering lab

    Chemical Engineering Department Increasing Applied Research Opportunities

    The department is collaborating with Insplorion on new opportunities in cosmetics and biopharmaceuticals.

  35. Lawrence Udeigwe portrait photo

    Lawrence Udeigwe Receives Significant Grant from Department of Defense

    Udeigwe’s work will be a mathematical investigation of the effect of homeostasis in neuronal learning and memory formation.

  36. Mark Blenner '04 in the lab with colleagues

    Chemical Engineer Awarded Presidential Early Career Award

    Mark Blenner ’04 was nominated for his work that could someday help enable missions to Mars.

  37. man speaking to crowd of people at higgins building dedication event

    2021 Year in Review

    Here we revisit the most memorable moments of 2021, a year that helped us return to the people and places we love at Manhattan College.