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Faculty Accolades

  1. Photo of Manhattan University Students participating in the ALL IN Challenge for Student Voting

    Manhattan University Recognized As A 2024 All In Most Engaged Campus For Student Voting

    Manhattan University joins a group of 471 institutions from across the U.S. that received the recognition for student voting

  2. Photo of Manhattan University Students participating in the ALL IN Challenge for Student Voting

    Manhattan University Recognized As A 2024 All In Most Engaged Campus For Student Voting

    Manhattan University joins a group of 471 institutions from across the U.S. that received the recognition for student voting

  3. Photo of Mehnaz Afridi with the In Concert Against Hate Award

    Anti-Defamation League Honors Manhattan University Professor With Its In Concert Against Hate Award

    Manhattan University proudly celebrates Dr. Mehnaz Afridi, honored with the prestigious Kay Family Award at the 30th Annual ADL In Concert Against Hate for her tireless work in combating bigotry and fostering interfaith understanding.

  4. Photo of Bridget Chalk

    Manhattan University Associate Provost And Professor AuthorsBook On Novels Of Education

    Bridget Chalk, Ph.D., Notes Resistance to Education in Novels

  5. Photo of Pamela Chasek

    Manhattan University Professor Highlights Innovative Sustainable Development Learning Research Education

    Learning initiative researches how the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development can be implemented and taught at higher ed institutions

  6. Photo of Grishma Shah

    Manhattan University Professor Announces Release Of New Novel, Titled Anagram Destiny

    The novel explores the intersection of the Indian and American Dream, globalization, and personal identity, drawing from her expertise in international business and cultural change.

  7. Photo of Engineering Professor Dr. Walter Saukin

    Manhattan College Professor, Honored with Chair’s Award from Prominent Engineering Organization

    ACEC-NY Honors Professor for His Focus on Young Learners

  8. Photo of Manhattan College Campus in the spring

    Four Manhattan College Students Receive Prestigeous Gilman International Scholarships

    Scholarships Enable Pell Grant Recipients to Study Around the Globe

  9. Photo of John L. Paluszek Scholarship Winner Elizabeth Kalaj ‘25

    John L. Paluszek Scholarship Awarded To Elizabeth Kalaj ‘25 At Manhattan College

    Scholarship Honors First Generation College Students in the Liberal Arts with a Focus on Civic Engagement

  10. Photo of Sarah Scott

    Sarah Scott, Ph.D. Professor From Manhattan College Appointed Fellow Of The National Humanities Center

    Focus of Study is on Frances Power Cobbe, British Philosopher and Women’s Rights and Animal Welfare Activist

  11. Photo of Melinda Wilson in Center for Academic Success

    Melinda Wilson Named Director of Manhattan College Center For Academic Success

    On-Campus Learning Center is Devoted to Assisting All Manhattan College Students in Any Academic Field

  12. Photo of President Riverso and Columbia exchange students and faculty

    Manhattan College Hosts Visiting Students and Faculty Scholars From Colombia, South America

    Studies focus on improvement of agricultural business development and soil analysis for rural communities.

  13. Photo of Dean Marcy Kelly

    Manhattan College receives National Science Foundation grant for STEM Teaching and Learning Excellence Center

    The College has been awarded an NSF grant to establish the STEM Teaching and Learning Center. This initiative will promote dialogue on scholarly teaching methods, offer targeted support for instructing first-year science students—particularly those from under-resourced high schools—and cultivate a cohesive community among science students from diverse backgrounds.

  14. Angela Oliveira, alum and Chair of Radiologic Health Professions teaching students

    Manhattan College Details Great Success in its Radiation Therapy Technology Program

    Manhattan College's Radiation Therapy Technology Program achieves unparalleled success with a 100% pass rate among recent graduates. Led by alumna Angela Oliveira, the program offers rigorous training and hands-on experience in premier healthcare facilities, setting the standard for excellence in radiation therapy education.

  15. George Giakos

    Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor Selected as One of the World’s Top Industry Scientists by International Artificial Intelligence Alliance

    George K. Giakos, Ph.D., was chosen for his research and contributions in the field of artificial intelligence. 

  16. Kelly Marin

    Kelly Marin, Ph.D, Recognized as a Distinguished Lasallian Educator for 2023

    The Manhattan College interim associate provost was chosen for demonstrating the Lasallian characteristics of empathy, wisdom, honesty and humility.    

  17. Judith Plaskow

    Pioneering Jewish Feminist Theologian Judith Plaskow Inducted into National Women's Hall of Fame

    The  professor emerita of religious studies spent more than three decades teaching at Manhattan College.    

  18. Fall Campus

    Manhattan College Mathematics Professor Wins 2024 American Mathematical Society Award for Distinguished Public Service

    Angel Pineda, Ph.D., was chosen for his tireless work supporting mathematicians in resource- poor environments throughout the world.     

  19. Bart Horn

    Manhattan College Physics Professor Receives $135,000 NSF Grant to Study Early Universe Cosmology

     Bart Horn, Ph.D., wants to create opportunities for undergraduates and introduce a new generation of researchers to the field  

  20. Angel Pineda

    Mathematics Professor Awarded a $434,000 Grant from the National Institutes of Health

    This is a renewal of Angel Pineda’s current grant continuing his research into MRI effectiveness and efficiency.    

  21. JimenaGonzález-Ramírez

    Manhattan College Professor Awarded Grants to Diversify Economics Education

    Jimena González-Ramírez wants to increase the success of women and historically underrepresented groups in the economics profession.    

  22. UN Sustainable Goals

    Manhattan College Professor Pamela Chasek Among International Researchers Calling for Major Reforms of the UN Sustainable Development Goals

    The political science professor is a co-author of an article published on September 15 in the journal Science.      

  23. Dr.Mehanaz Afridi, Dr.Milo Riverso, Dr. ClarenceJones, Rep. Ritchie Torres and Councilman Jeffrey Dinowitz.

    Manhattan College Honors Clarence B. Jones, Lawyer and Confidant of Martin Luther King Jr.

    U.S. Representative Ritchie Torres also presented Mehnaz Afridi, Ph.D., with the first annual “Dr. Clarence B. Jones I Have a Dream Award.”    

  24. Parisa Saboori

    Mechanical Engineering Professor Receives Outstanding Student Section Advisor Award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

    Parisa Saboori has provided guidance and support to the Manhattan College ASME student section for six years.     

  25. Winston Peters

    Program Director of Manhattan College’s Entrepreneurship Center Appointed to the Bronx Economic Development Corporation

    Winston Peters ’02, is one of five new members chosen at the non-profit organization.     

  26. Pax Christi Awards Ceremony

    Professor of Religious Studies Receives Prestigious National Peacemaker Award

    Kevin Ahern was cited for his worldwide peacemaking efforts.    

  27. School of Liberal Arts Celebration

    Liberal Arts Alumni Honored at First Annual Alumni Celebration

    The John Paluszek ’55 First Generation Student of Excellence Scholarship Announced  

  28. Rachel Cirelli

    Rachel Cirelli Receives Diversity Leadership Mentor Award

    Cirelli was honored by New York Moves Magazine for her role as a leader in supporting and mentoring students at Manhattan College.    

  29. Kelly Marin Wins Distinguished Lasallian Award

    Kelly Marin Honored with 2022-23 Distinguished Lasallian Educator Award

    Colleagues describe her as a deserving recipient who is highly trustworthy and ethical.  

  30. Women in STEM Panel

    Women in STEM Event Brings Together Alumnae, Faculty and Students to Share their Professional, Academic and Research Accomplishments

    The event introduced prospective students to the unique opportunities that await them at Manhattan College. 

  31. Oleg Goushcha at Kennedy Space Center

    Manhattan College Professor Plays a Major Role in NASA’s Artemis Program

    Oleg Goushcha, an adjunct mechanical engineering professor, conducts wind tunnel testing on the Space Launch System Rocket. .

  32. Sr. Mary Ann Jacobs, Sr. Remegia Kushner and Fatima Carvalho-Gianni

    Sister Remigia Kushner and Sister Mary Ann Jacobs Honored for their Contributions to Catholic Education

    Their careers in education at Manhattan College have been dedicated to leadership and service.

  33. Brennan O'Donnell, president emeritus

    Misericordia University Names Brennan O’Donnell, Manhattan College President Emeritus, to its Board of Trustees

    O’Donnell received an honorary degree from Misericordia in 2019 and both his mother and aunt are alumni of the northeastern Pennsylvania university. 

  34. Campus photo

    Nine Retiring Manhattan College Faculty Members Earn Emeritus Status

    Salwa Ammar, Joan Cammarata, Brother Patrick Horner, Carol Hurwitz, Stephen Kaplan, Beth Kosky, Janet McShane, Brother Augustine Nicoletti and the late Graham Walker, who receives posthumous emeritus status, are retiring.

  35. Kevin Ahern speaking to group

    Kevin Ahern Closes Chapter as International President of Catholic Lay Movement

    Pope Francis recognized the work Ahern has done in international Catholicism.

  36. Safe Halloween photo

    Kappa Delta Pi Gains Notice for Virtual Halloween Program

    The Education and Health honor society is recognized for its efforts in the community.

  37. Portrait photo of Maria Maust-Mohl

    Maria Maust-Mohl to Receive the Brother Casimir Gabriel Costello Excellence in Teaching Award

    The award will be given as part of the annual Costello Lecture.

  38. Portrait photo of Poonam Arora

    Poonam Arora Among Those to Receive $5M NSF Grant on Climate Change

    The O’Malley School of Business professor aims to engage communities to enable coastal resilience.

  39. Portrait photo of Cristina Perez Jimenez

    Cristina Pérez Jiménez One of Nine to Receive U.S. Latino Digital Humanities Grant

    The grant will support the development of a digital humanities project entitled “The Latino Catskills.”

  40. Lawrence Udeigwe portrait photo

    Lawrence Udeigwe Awarded Martin Luther King Visiting Associate Professorship at MIT

    A faculty member in the mathematics department, Udeigwe joins a group that has included Anita Hill and Ta-Nehisi Coates.

  41. Smith Auditorium on the quadrangle

    Five Retiring Manhattan College Faculty Members Earn Emeritus Status

    Mitchell Aboulafia, Gary Kolks, Dong Lee, Romeo Pascone and Suzanne Rudnick each have had long tenures at Manhattan College.

  42. Lawrence Udeigwe portrait photo

    Lawrence Udeigwe Receives Significant Grant from Department of Defense

    Udeigwe’s work will be a mathematical investigation of the effect of homeostasis in neuronal learning and memory formation.

  43. Lawrence Udeigwe portrait photo

    Mathematics Professor Focuses on Future of Autonomous Vehicles

    Lawrence Udeigwe, Ph.D., is helping shape the research and development agenda.