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Weather Alert February 6

The University will have a Delayed Opening

Due to inclement weather The University will delay opening until 11 a.m. on Thursday, February 6, 2025. All in-person classes that begin before 11:00 a.m. are cancelled, classes beginning at 11:00 a.m. and later will be held as scheduled. 

For more information visit

Economics & Finance

  1. Photo of Saran Camara '21 named USAID Donald M. Payne Fellowship

    Saran Camara ’21 Receives Prestigious Payne Fellowship From USAID

    First Manhattan College Alumna to Achieve This Recognition

  2. JimenaGonzález-Ramírez

    Manhattan College Professor Awarded Grants to Diversify Economics Education

    Jimena González-Ramírez wants to increase the success of women and historically underrepresented groups in the economics profession.    

  3. Jose Minaya

    Jose Minaya'94 Appointed to the Manhattan College Board of Trustees

    The Nuveen CEO is responsible for the company’s day to day operations and grew up in Washington Heights  

  4. Eileen Murray '80

    Eileen Murray ’80 Addressed Corporate Leadership and Navigating Economic Volatility at Annual Gargano Lecture

    Murray discussed her 40-year career on October 27.

  5. Portrait photo of Jean Rogers '86

    Jean Rogers ’86 to Present Inaugural O’Malley Energy Economics Lecture

    The Global Head for Environmental, Social and Governance at Blackstone, Rogers will speak on Thursday, April 28.

  6. Portrait photo of Annamaria Lusardi

    O’Malley School of Business Hosts Virtual Event to Promote Financial Literacy

    Annamaria Lusardi, Ph.D., will speak about the importance of financial knowhow on March 30.

  7. i-adapt logo with student speaking

    Students Present Cutting-Edge Ideas at Innovation Challenge

    The winning team took home $4,500 in prize money to help launch its startup.

  8. O'Malley School of Business entrance

    O’Malley School of Business Working to Strengthen Financial Literacy in Young People

    Manhattan College faculty and students are working to help each other build a strong financial foundation.