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  1. Photo of Sarah Scott

    Sarah Scott, Ph.D. Professor From Manhattan College Appointed Fellow Of The National Humanities Center

    Focus of Study is on Frances Power Cobbe, British Philosopher and Women’s Rights and Animal Welfare Activist

  2. Photo of Melinda Wilson in Center for Academic Success

    Melinda Wilson Named Director of Manhattan College Center For Academic Success

    On-Campus Learning Center is Devoted to Assisting All Manhattan College Students in Any Academic Field

  3. Eric Rivera

    Manhattan College Names New Director of Residence Life Eric Rivera

    Manhattan College welcomes Eric Rivera as the new Director of Residence Life, bringing a wealth of experience from his tenure at Sarah Lawrence College and Boston College. With a focus on student development and community building, Mr. Rivera is poised to enhance the residential experience for all students, fostering a vibrant living and learning environment.

  4. Hany S. Guirguis

    Manhattan College Appoints Dr. Hany S. Guirguis as the Interim Dean of the O’Malley School of Business

    Guirguis brings a wealth of experience to the School of Business along with 24 years of service to Manhattan College.

  5. Ann Clarkson

    Manhattan College Appoints Ann Clarkson as Executive Director of Online Learning

    Clarkson brings over two decades of experience dedicated to revolutionizing adult and online education.

  6. Meredith Gatzke

    Manhattan College Appoints Meredith Gatzke as Vice President of Human Resources/Chief Human Resources Officer

    Gatzke brings a wealth of experience and knowledge in all aspects of Human Resources beginning her tenure on March 11.