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How to add an MBA to your Engineering degree at Manhattan University

A master of business administration (MBA) can be a strong enhancement to your Engineering degree. An MBA gives an engineer the broader business knowledge to make strategic business decisions and to understand the full impact of those decisions. This combination means faster career growth into management positions, commanding higher pay and diverse career opportunities.

With a little planning you can join the O'Malley School of Business MBA program immediately upon graduation. A full-time student can complete the MBA degree in as little as one academic year (including one or two summer courses).

Prior to joining the MBA program Engineering students will need to acquire some of the foundational business material that underpins the MBA program's core courses. You can acquire this foundational material in two different ways, outlined in the table below. Choose the option that is best for you. Perhaps a hybrid option may be better suited to your circumstances. Please don't hesitate to contact the MBA Program Director to discuss other possible options.

Acquiring Business Foundation Skills for the O'Malley MBA Program

Business Minor

The Business Minor for Engineering Students consists of the five, 3 credit courses shown below:

ACCT 201 - Principles of Accounting I
MGMT 201 - Introduction to Management
MKTG 201 - Essentials of Marketing
ECON 203 - Microeconomics 

And one of the following three courses:

MECH 414 - Engineering Economy & Project Management
CIVL 403 - Engineering Economy & Law
FIN 301 - Principles of Business Finance I

Benefits of the Business Minor

For students who can fit the business minor into their undergraduate schedule, this is an excellent option. The name of the minor will be listed on your transcript and the courses, if they are used to fulfill your undergraduate degree, are typically covered by your current financial aid package. Note that since financial aid packages can greatly differ between students, one should altıays check with the Financial Aid Office to verify coverage of courses.

Bridge Program

The Bridge Program for Engineering students consists of the following three, 3-credits courses, shown below:

MBAF 520 - Foundations of Financial & Managerial Accounting
MBAF 530 - Foundations of Economics
MBAF 540 - Foundations of Organizational & Op. Management


Benefits of the Bridge Program

The Bridge Program provides a great degree of flexibility. The courses are offered online, typically during the summer semesters. The courses are also offered at the reduced rate. However, these credits cannot be used toward any undergraduate degree requirements and are not covered by undergraduate scholarships. Nevertheless, the program provides an excellent way to complete the MBA foundation requirements without having to worry about completing the requirements for a minor.

Note that Applicants from the School of Engineering who have an overall GPA of at least 3.0 will have their GMAT requirement waived. The only other requirements for admission to the program are two recommendation letters and a resume.

MBA students may choose to earn a general MBA degree or one with a concentration in one of three areas:

1) Business Analytics, 2) Finance and Economics, or 3) Organizations, Markets & Sustainability. 

Please talk to your advisor in Engineering and contact Dr. Marc Waldman, MBA Program Director, O'Malley School of Business, to plan your pathway to the MBA today!

The skills that come with an MBA enable engineers to be promoted into business oversight roles (ASME). You can command a higher pay, and faster career growth with an Engineering plus MBA combination.