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The O’Malley School of Business at Manhattan College is one of only 5% of business schools worldwide to have AACSB accreditation.

AACSB logoAll of Manhattan College’s business programs are accredited by AACSB International, a benchmark of quality for business education worldwide. Being AACSB-accredited means that we have continuously passed a strict set of standards that ensure quality, earning a place among the top business schools in the world. At the School of Business, we will teach you the best skills to give you a distinct advantage in the real world.

As an AACSB-accredited business school, we have:

  • worldwide recognition by top employers and other universities
  • employers that only hire our graduates
  • more access to recruiters
  • graduates that receive higher, more competitive salaries
  • students that are more international, have high-graduating GPAs and are likely to earn higher levels of education
  • faculty who are leaders in their fields of research