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Peace Studies

  1. Pax Christi Awards Ceremony

    Professor of Religious Studies Receives Prestigious National Peacemaker Award

    Kevin Ahern was cited for his worldwide peacemaking efforts.    

  2. Ukraine Rally

    A Rally for Peace Held at Manhattan College to Stand in Solidarity with Ukraine

    Several speakers reminded the audience of the tragic toll inflicted by the Russian invasion and called for an end to the war.  

  3. Peace Pole

    The Legacy of the War in Iraq 20 Years Later is the Focus of Peace and Justice Week at Manhattan College

    This year’s programming will help students gain a better understanding of the war’s legacy and continued relevance today.  

  4. stained glass window showing holy nativity scene on Christmas

    Merry Christmas from Manhattan University

    From all of us at Manhattan University, we wish you a Merry Christmas, blessed New Year, and a happy and healthy holiday season. 

  5. Dorothy Day receives the De La Salle Medal

    Manhattan College Establishes the Dorothy Day Center

    The Catholic activist is currently being considered for sainthood.

  6. Eunice Nazar at the Spring Honors Convocation

    Eunice Nazar ’22 Receives Joseph J. Gunn ’30 Medal

    Nazar has spent her four years in college serving others and excelling academically.

  7. Peace pole on campus

    Peace and Justice Week Begins with Annual Dorothy Day Lecture

    Melissa Cedillo, Colleen Dulle and Eileen Markey will participate in a panel discussion on March 29.

  8. Kerianne Costello portrait photo

    A Trio of Jaspers Continue Postgraduate Service Tradition

    Three Manhattan College students are moving on to opportunities with national service organizations.

  9. Portrait photo of Eunice Nazar

    Eunice Nazar ’22 Named One of 212 Newman Civic Fellows Nationwide

    Nazar has interned at Mekong NYC in support of the Bronx community.

  10. Peace pole standing outside Smith Auditorium

    Peace Pole Dedication to Cap Peace and Justice Week

    The events will take place virtually and at a safe distance during the final week in February.