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  1. Fall Campus

    Manhattan College Mathematics Professor Wins 2024 American Mathematical Society Award for Distinguished Public Service

    Angel Pineda, Ph.D., was chosen for his tireless work supporting mathematicians in resource- poor environments throughout the world.     

  2. Angel Pineda

    Mathematics Professor Awarded a $434,000 Grant from the National Institutes of Health

    This is a renewal of Angel Pineda’s current grant continuing his research into MRI effectiveness and efficiency.    

  3. Women in STEM Panel

    Women in STEM Event Brings Together Alumnae, Faculty and Students to Share their Professional, Academic and Research Accomplishments

    The event introduced prospective students to the unique opportunities that await them at Manhattan College. 

  4. Lawrence Udeigwe portrait photo

    Lawrence Udeigwe Awarded Martin Luther King Visiting Associate Professorship at MIT

    A faculty member in the mathematics department, Udeigwe joins a group that has included Anita Hill and Ta-Nehisi Coates.

  5. Lawrence Udeigwe portrait photo

    Lawrence Udeigwe Receives Significant Grant from Department of Defense

    Udeigwe’s work will be a mathematical investigation of the effect of homeostasis in neuronal learning and memory formation.

  6. Lawrence Udeigwe portrait photo

    Mathematics Professor Focuses on Future of Autonomous Vehicles

    Lawrence Udeigwe, Ph.D., is helping shape the research and development agenda.

  7. Smith Auditorium from Walsh Plaza

    National Science Foundation Grant Helps Professors Teach Mathematics through Modeling of Real-Life Scenarios

    Patrice Tiffany is working on an initiative to use a modeling-first approach to support students and faculty in the learning and teaching of differential equations.

  8. Up close photo of student at desk

    Janet McShane Appointed Interim Dean of the School of Science

    McShane follows Constantine Theodosiou, who will return to the faculty.

  9. Photograph of Dr. Angel Pineda at the whiteboard with math problems on the board in the background.

    Angel Pineda, Ph.D, associate professor of mathematics, awarded NIH grant

    Angel Pineda, Ph.D., associate professor of mathematics, has been awarded a three-year National Institutes of Health (NIH) $395,000 grant.

  10. Portrait photograph of Helene Tyler.

    Manhattan Mathematics Professor Wins Distinguished Teaching Award

    Manhattan Mathematics Professor Wins Distinguished Teaching Award. Helene Tyler spreads passion for mathematics through her teaching at the College and volunteer work in Cambodia.

  11. Rachel Roca with panoramic background

    Rachel Roca ’21 One of 396 Students Nationwide to Receive Goldwater Scholarship

    Roca is a mathematics major in the School of Science.

  12. Headshot photo of Nicholas Rogalewski

    Nicholas Rogalewski ’20 is First Recipient of Con Edison Scholarship

    A Bronx resident, Rogalewski is an electrical engineering major and mathematics minor.

  13. Business analytics students presenting poster

    Business Analytics Students Break Down New York’s Renewable Energy Plans

    Manhattan College hosted its fifth annual Business Analytics Competition.

  14. Donya Quhshi in front of De La Salle Hall

    Donya Quhshi ’19, Ray Maresca ’18, ’19 (M.S.) are 2019 Valedictorians

    Quhshi will speak on behalf of the class of 2019 at Undergraduate Commencement; Maresca will be the student speaker at Spring Commencement.

  15. Matt McMorrow '19 on site at Higgins Center

    Jaspers Helping Build Higgins Engineering and Science Center

    A variety of students and alumni are putting their knowledge to work on South Campus.

  16. National Science Foundation logo

    Alex Vasquez ’20 Gains Rare Grant in Pursuit of Teaching Math

    The sophomore education major received an REU grant from the National Science Foundation.

  17. Lynn Martin

    Alumna Heads Up Leading Data Services Firm

    Lynn Martin ’98 is the president and COO of ICE Data Services and has been named as a top influencer in the financial services industry.

  18. Danielle Baik

    Two Students Use National Science Foundation Grants to Advance Research

    Danielle Baik and Anthony DePinho gained valuable research experience in Massachusetts this summer.

  19. catwalk

    Young Alumni Find Niche in Fashion and Beauty

    Recent college graduates of the Schools of Liberal Arts, Business, Engineering and Science begin their careers working at top brands in the world's most stylish industries.

  20. students participating in the business analytics competition at manhattan college

    Business Analytics Team Harnesses Big Data for Bigger Rewards

    With one-on-one tutorials from faculty mentor Dr. Musa Jafar, a diverse team of students discovers the art and science of decision-making.

  21. Rubik's Cube

    Cracking the Cube: A Mathematical Approach to Solving a Classic Puzzle

    Denise Rangel-Tracy, Ph.D., visiting assistant professor of mathematics, led an interactive seminar on the math behind the Rubik's Cube on April 12. During the session she revealed the shocking number of possible configurations.

  22. mri of the cranium

    The Nexus of Advertisements & MRIs

    What do Ads and MRIs Have in Common? Whether you’re designing MRIs or ad campaigns, data analytics will help drive your decisions.

  23. Students attending panel

    College Panel Attracts Students Pursuing Careers in Data and Business Analytics

    A panel that took place on Feb. 7 heard career advice from professionals who have achieved success in business, data analytics and technology.

  24. ${properties.image.alt}

    New Mathematics Programs To Be Introduced in Fall 2015

    Additional math offerings add to Manhattan College’s STEM catalog.

  25. headshot

    Cambodian Mathematician To Deliver Valedictory Address at 2015 Commencement

    Kimsy Tor ’15 receives Donald J. Carty Valedictory Medal.

  26. Urban garden

    Manhattan Students Recognized for Green and Compassionate Activity on Campus

    The student body receives honor based on commitment to a sustainable campus.

  27. Rooftop Garden

    Harvesting a Revolution: Urban Agriculture Interns Grow Food and Empower Area Residents

    After a successful rooftop garden pilot internship program, Manhattan College students shared their urban gardening skills with the greater Bronx community.

  28. Manhattan College Classroom

    New Programs in Advanced Math Designed to Bridge Liberal Arts and Postgraduate Careers

    Manhattan College will offer a new master’s program and a combined bachelor’s and master’s degree in advanced mathematics to continue its focus on STEM education.

  29. model un team

    Of Algebra and Art

    What happens when you combine the creative efforts of a civil engineer and a mathematician?The result, a stunning series of seven stained glass windows, is displayed inside Manhattan College’s Mathematics department in the Research and Learning Center on Corlear Avenue.

  30. Women's Soccer Team

    Math and Soccer Merge at Manhattan

    Inspired by World Cup research, mathematics majors apply mathematical techniques to measure the teamwork on the women’s soccer team.

  31. Campus shot

    Manhattan College Hosts Spuyten Duyvil Undergraduate Mathematics Conference on April 6

    Conference offers undergraduates from tri-state region the chance to discuss mathematics with their peers.