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  1. Fall Campus

    Manhattan College Mathematics Professor Wins 2024 American Mathematical Society Award for Distinguished Public Service

    Angel Pineda, Ph.D., was chosen for his tireless work supporting mathematicians in resource- poor environments throughout the world.     

  2. Angel Pineda

    Mathematics Professor Awarded a $434,000 Grant from the National Institutes of Health

    This is a renewal of Angel Pineda’s current grant continuing his research into MRI effectiveness and efficiency.    

  3. Women in STEM Panel

    Women in STEM Event Brings Together Alumnae, Faculty and Students to Share their Professional, Academic and Research Accomplishments

    The event introduced prospective students to the unique opportunities that await them at Manhattan College. 

  4. Lawrence Udeigwe portrait photo

    Lawrence Udeigwe Awarded Martin Luther King Visiting Associate Professorship at MIT

    A faculty member in the mathematics department, Udeigwe joins a group that has included Anita Hill and Ta-Nehisi Coates.

  5. Lawrence Udeigwe portrait photo

    Lawrence Udeigwe Receives Significant Grant from Department of Defense

    Udeigwe’s work will be a mathematical investigation of the effect of homeostasis in neuronal learning and memory formation.

  6. Lawrence Udeigwe portrait photo

    Mathematics Professor Focuses on Future of Autonomous Vehicles

    Lawrence Udeigwe, Ph.D., is helping shape the research and development agenda.