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Accounting Cis & Law

  1. Mock Trial Team

    New Mock Trial Team is on the Case at Manhattan College

    The team recently participated in its first national competition.    

  2. Portrait photo of Ahmid Mohammed Murtada

    Ahmid Mohammed Murtada ’22 Earns Gilman Scholarship to Study Abroad

    Murtada will travel to Venice, Italy, in the spring.

  3. Graduate students in a classroom

    New Master’s in Accounting Program to Begin in Fall 2022

    Students can earn a master’s degree in accounting starting next year.

  4. Matt Padre holding his baseball bat

    Matt Padre Selected as Candidate for Senior CLASS Award

    Padre, an accounting major, is on track to graduate in May of 2021 and carries a 3.94 grade point average.

  5. i-adapt logo with student speaking

    Students Present Cutting-Edge Ideas at Innovation Challenge

    The winning team took home $4,500 in prize money to help launch its startup.

  6. O'Malley School of Business entrance

    O’Malley School of Business Working to Strengthen Financial Literacy in Young People

    Manhattan College faculty and students are working to help each other build a strong financial foundation.