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About Us

The Accounting, Business Analytics, Computer Information Systems (CIS) and Law Department emphasizes practical career preparation through internships and hands-on learning. It offers three distinct majors and minors, as well as courses in business law required for all School of Business students.There are also opportunities, such as the VITA program, to use your skills to serve others in the local community. Our curriculum provides a well-rounded liberal arts foundation and a broad business background. By the time you graduate, you will have the skills to be an ethical business professional in a competitive workplace.

Meet an Accounting Major: Matt Sullivan

Matt put his accounting skills to use off-campus by interning in New York City and participating in the VITA Program, a free tax preparation service for low-income Bronx residents.

Our Programs

The Accounting, Business Analytics, Computer Information Systems & Law Department supports students who are preparing for hands-on, technical careers in ever-changing fields. The department offers three distinct majors and minors, an MBA program, as well as courses in business law required for all School of Business students. Students are encouraged to engage in widely-available NYC internships to help them prepare for a professional career.



  • Meet our Faculty

    Our faculty are leaders in their fields. Find the complete list of faculty currently teaching in the Accounting, Business Analytics, Computer Information Systems (CIS) and Law department.
  • Faculty Emeriti in this Department

    The below is a complete list of living faculty members who retired from the department and hold emeritus status

    • Dr. Carl Alberni, Associate Professor Emeritus
    • Dr. Ahmed Goma, Associate Professor Emeritus