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Business - B.S./MBA

Motivated and high-achieving undergraduates in the School of Business can complete both their bachelor's and master's degree through our five-year program. The business B.S./MBA degree puts students on track to influence the business world as leaders in thought and practice.

Why Choose the Business B.S./MBA?

Successful completion of the five-year program leads to the awarding of two degrees:

  • A bachelor of science in business (one of seven majors)
  • A master's of business administration

This AACSB-accredited program consists of 150 undergraduate and graduate credit hours taken over a five-year period of 10 semesters and one summer session.

Personalization and Partnerships

Class sizes are small. On average, there are fewer than 25 students per class. You will discuss topics face-to-face with your professors, and work on small-group project and computer-based exercises with classmates.

Manhattan University is unique in that it is a liberal arts college with excellent technical programs, like engineering and science. The O'Malley School of Business has strong partnerships with these programs. So you will get the chance to research and learn with non-business students and faculty, too. It is a great exercise in teamwork to learn a subject from another’s perspective.

Experiential Learning

Today, employers are looking for experience in addition to conceptual understanding. Our on-campus program's strong experiential learning component offers a variety of opportunities to apply knowledge in a real-world setting. Two of the 12 required courses for the on-campus MBA program must be experiential in nature. This can include:

  • Internships: Our students have landed summer or semester-long internships at prominent companies including Deloitte, Ernst & Young, KPMG, Morgan Stanley and the New York Mets
  • International Study Trips: Our students traveled to India to visit local businesses and corporations as part of a study on the multinational aspects of BRIC economies
  • Business Plan Projects: Our students traveled to Frankfurt, Germany, where they prepared a business plan for an emerging energy company, met a vice president of Deutsche Bank and visited the Frankfurt Stock Exchange
  • Entrepreneurial Projects: Our MBA students worked with chemical engineering students to create and market a natural hair-dye product for L’Oreal and develop markets for new uses of olive oil produced in Palestine
  • Research: Our students placed second in the Baylor University-USASBE Student Case Writing Competition
  • Meet an MBA Student: John Moran
    Meet an MBA Student

    “When I first got here, I didn’t really know what I wanted to do, so part of why I chose Manhattan was because it had a lot of options for me to look into. I took some business classes and got put into an intro Computer Information Systems (CIS) class. It was a lot about hardware and computing, and it was really cool. Eventually I also took a programming class, and I made a small app and found that it was really something I wanted to stick with. The Business Analytics co-major started my junior year, so I was one of the first people to be a part of that. It focused on statistical analysis and forecasting, and it really just hooked me.

    "Going for the 5-year program wasn’t really a decision I made until my senior year. I wasn’t sure that I wanted to do an MBA, but I talked to a bunch of people and figured it was best to do it seamlessly in five years while I had the chance, rather than get stuck in the workforce and maybe never go back to school. It just seemed like a very natural progression to me. I was looking at other MBA programs as well, but one of the best things about Manhattan University is that I had the opportunity to be a graduate assistant and get some of my tuition paid for, which is really helpful and really beneficial.

    "I was also really close with many of the professors here, having had small undergraduate classes. I felt very comfortable with the faculty and the way they teach. Similarly, my MBA courses are pretty hands-on. They’re very discussion-based, and we do a lot of case studies.

    "It’s nice that there’s variability within the program — I’m in a data analysis class, a corporate finance class, I took a leadership class. So there are definitely different courses you can take that fit your needs. You have options.

    "Because Manhattan is a small school, you have the ability to get involved in a lot of different things, because there’s overlap between programs. For instance, I was going to a lot of professional networking events already, which were run by Beta Alpha Psi, the honor society for CIS, Accounting and Finance students, so I joined. I’m currently the vice president.

    "When I was an undergraduate student, a recruiter from UPS gave a presentation on campus. I met up with her afterwards and she gave me her card. Sure enough, I sent her a message and they hired me as an intern for the summer. It’s really helpful to have these kinds of recruiting events on campus. I did quite a bit of statistical analysis and computing, database building and SQL programming at UPS. I learned a lot that summer by getting to go to different events and places like the UPS distribution center. They’re doing a lot of high tech things there, which I found amazing.

    "During my senior year, I found another internship by posting my resume on JasperLink, which is the Center for Career Development’s online job board. I had an interview with Argus Information & Advisory Services within a week. This internship was more focused on forecasting and financial analysis. It combined my programming skills with my financial skills, which is something I want to do later on in the real world after I finish my MBA.”

What Will You Learn?

As an MBA student at Manhattan University, you will:

  • Practice analytical decision-making and risk management
  • Develop an understanding of leadership
  • Gain an appreciation for ethical behavior in business
  • Learn about organizations and the competitive business environment
  • Get hands-on career experience and professional development

See degree requirements

What Will You Do?

Most upper-level and senior positions within companies require a master’s degree. An MBA puts you on track to lead a department, consult with companies around the globe or even start your own business.

Manhattan University provided the business administration framework that I use every day as an analyst. There were so many practical lectures and projects within the program — both in the classroom and abroad, where we partnered with a local business and developed a business plan to bring their product to the United States.

Amanda Ferrarotto ’12, ’13 (MBA), Analyst in the Human Capital Management Division at Goldman Sachs