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Political Science

  1. UN Sustainable Goals

    Manhattan College Professor Pamela Chasek Among International Researchers Calling for Major Reforms of the UN Sustainable Development Goals

    The political science professor is a co-author of an article published on September 15 in the journal Science.      

  2. Ukraine Rally

    A Rally for Peace Held at Manhattan College to Stand in Solidarity with Ukraine

    Several speakers reminded the audience of the tragic toll inflicted by the Russian invasion and called for an end to the war.  

  3. Manhattan College Model UN Team

    Manhattan College Represents Ukraine at 2023 National Model UN Conference

    The conference helps students build critical professional and personal skills.  

  4. Peace Pole

    The Legacy of the War in Iraq 20 Years Later is the Focus of Peace and Justice Week at Manhattan College

    This year’s programming will help students gain a better understanding of the war’s legacy and continued relevance today.  

  5. Most Engaged Campus for College Student Voting

    Manhattan College Chosen as one of the “Most Engaged Campuses for College Student Voting”

    The College was recognized for its voter education efforts.

  6. 2021 Manhattan College Model UN team

    Manhattan College Shines During In-Person Model UN Conference

    Students earned an honorable mention award and recognition for two position papers.

  7. Aerial photo of campus quad

    Political Science Department Chair Gives Insight on Recent Climate Change Report

    A United Nations report says climate issues will get worse if greenhouse-gas emissions continue.

  8. Model UN team on Google Meet

    Outstanding Delegation: Manhattan College Team Honored at Virtual Model UN

    The group dealt with many pandemic obstacles to shine at the global conference.