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  1. Photo of Dean Marcy Kelly

    Manhattan University to Launch New Health Sciences Major in 2025 Fall Semester

    Manhattan University announced that a new Health Sciences Major will take effect in the Fall Semester of 2025. It will be housed in the Kinesiology Department led by Dr. Shawn Ladda.

  2. Manhattan College Campus

    Manhattan College Earns Gold Status Recognition for its Exercise is Medicine Program

    The program helps the campus community maintain healthy physical activity and fitness.  

  3. Manhattan College Campus

    Manhattan College Establishes a New School of Health Professions

    The school will help prepare its students for careers in high-demand health fields.  

  4. Brennan O'Donnell, Alixandria James, Rani Roy, Brother Daniel Gardner, FSC

    Alixandria James ’23 is First Manhattan College Student to Earn Truman Scholarship

    James is one of 58 students nationwide to be named a 2022 Truman Scholar.

  5. Students walking near O'Malley Library

    Manhattan College Gains Recognition for Exercise is Medicine Program

    The College is one of 63 schools to earn gold status for the healthy-living program.

  6. Ali James on campus

    Alixandria James ’23 One of 173 Students Nationwide Honored as Newman Civic Fellow

    James is recognized for her commitment to public health.

  7. Micaela Beatty portrait photo

    2021 Education & Health Graduate One of Three Students Nationwide to Win Award

    Micaela Beatty ’21 received a distinguished service award from the Phi Epsilon Kappa honor society.