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Electrical & Computer Engineering

  1. George Giakos

    Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor Selected as One of the World’s Top Industry Scientists by International Artificial Intelligence Alliance

    George K. Giakos, Ph.D., was chosen for his research and contributions in the field of artificial intelligence. 

  2. ACE Day Event

    Manhattan College Hosts ACE Mentor Day

    The ACE Day event was attended by 129 guests, including 66 high school students.    

  3. Angelina Persaud

    Chemical Engineering Student Completed Summer Internship at Columbia University Climate Research Laboratory

    Angelina Persaud ’25, studied the applications of ultrasonic technology for drying processes to increase energy efficiency.    

  4. Manhattan College campus photo

    NSF Grant Allows Engineering Students to Research Smart and Connected Systems Technology in Spain

    The Electrical and Computer Engineering department at Manhattan College has been awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to engage in research focused on smart and connected systems technology. As part of the award, College students will spend eight weeks in Spain at the University of Zaragoza.

  5. Students demonstrating headband scanner

    Engineering Students Helping People with Disabilities Become More Successful in the Workplace

    Manhattan students are participating alongside other New York institutions in the CREATE Symposium. 

  6. O'Malley Library

    Engineers Lauded for Inventiveness in Virtual University Challenge

    Four senior design students offered an idea on cooling data centers in the regional event.