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Computer Science

  1. Wyatt Madej

    Manhattan College Systems Administrator Receives First Charlie Bender Scholarship

    The scholarship will help Wyatt Madej ’21, ’24 (MBA) further his education in supporting research computing systems and advanced cyberstructure.    

  2. Game Design Major

    Manhattan College to Offer a New Major and Minor in Game Design and Production

    The major will prepare graduates for jobs in the rapidly growing video game industry.     

  3. A.I. Icon

    Manhattan College to Host Conference on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Education and the Workplace

    Thought leaders will discuss the profound implications of AI and the challenges it will bring.  

  4. Women in STEM Panel

    Women in STEM Event Brings Together Alumnae, Faculty and Students to Share their Professional, Academic and Research Accomplishments

    The event introduced prospective students to the unique opportunities that await them at Manhattan College.