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  1. AI Icon

    Manhattan College Explores the Future of Artificial Intelligence with Three Events in October and November

    These programs will help to explain and understand the vast impact of AI on all aspects of society.    

  2. Game Design Major

    Manhattan College to Offer a New Major and Minor in Game Design and Production

    The major will prepare graduates for jobs in the rapidly growing video game industry.     

  3. Manhattan College ESPN+ Crew

    Communication Department Students Nominated as Finalists for the College Sports Media Awards

    It was the College’s first nomination.    

  4. A.I. Icon

    Manhattan College to Host Conference on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Education and the Workplace

    Thought leaders will discuss the profound implications of AI and the challenges it will bring.  

  5. Manhattan College Spring Campus

    Whitman on Walls Brings Poetry and Film Performance to Gaelic Park

    The hybrid production kicks off Manhattan College’s celebration of 100 years in The Bronx. 

  6. Students working in the mobile production unit

    As March Madness Begins, Sports Media Production Students Bring the Game to You

    Manhattan College students are producing high-level basketball broadcasts on ESPN.

  7. Portrait photo of Ally Mejia

    Ally Mejia ’22 Selected for Television Academy Foundation’s Summer Fellows Program

    A first-generation college student, Mejia is one of 50 students selected from across the country.