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De La Salle Medal Dinner

Manhattan University’s Premier Fundraising Event Honors Two Eminent New Yorkers

For more than 70 years, Manhattan University’s De La Salle Medal Dinner has celebrated Lasallian Catholic values — and notable public figures who embrace them — while raising vital funds for scholarships and other forms of student aid. This past May, the gala honored two of New York City’s most eminent public figures.

Photo of 2024 De La Salle Medal Honorees John A. Catsimatidis and Raymond W. Kelly ’63Held at the Plaza New York on Wednesday, May 22, the dinner conferred the 2024 De La Salle Medal on Raymond W. Kelly ’63, a former New York City Police Commissioner and federal official; and John A. Catsimatidis, a business leader, media personality and philanthropist. The event generated $1,125,800 in support of today’s Jaspers.

“Occasions such as this are always especially instructive,” former president Milo Riverso ’81, Ph.D., P.E., told the assembled guests. “This evening, we enjoy the warm camaraderie that infuses the company of good friends — and we experience the sheer inspiration we derive from a spirit of common cause.”

Michael J. Regan ’63, a Manhattan University trustee emeritus, and George Venizelos, executive vice president of the Red Apple Group, served as the dinner’s co-chairs. Sid Rosenberg, co-host of the radio program Bernie & Sid in the Morning, on 77 WABC in New York, served as the evening’s emcee. Brother Frank G. Byrne, FSC, vice chair of Manhattan’s Board of Trustees, delivered the invocation.

“It is a privilege to honor two such extraordinary leaders as John Catsimatidis and our alumnus, Ray Kelly,” said Thomas Mauriello, senior vice president for university advancement. “We are deeply grateful for everything they have done, and continue to do, for Manhattan, its mission and its students.”

Catsimatidis is chair and CEO of the Red Apple Group, with holdings in aviation, convenience stores, the media, oil refineries, real estate, retail petroleum and supermarkets. He also is a successful author and radio host. As a philanthropist, Catsimatidis supports charitable causes including the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America, the G&P Foundation for Cancer Research, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, the National Kidney Foundation, the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation and the Police Athletic League.

A 1963 Manhattan alumnus, Kelly is one of the nation’s preeminent law enforcement figures. He began his career in the New York Police Department after returning from service as a marine in Vietnam. A graduate of the St. John’s University Law School, the NYU School of Law and the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, Kelly became New York’s longest-running police commissioner before moving on to leading positions in business and government.

As they accepted their medals, Kelly and Catsimatidis each addressed the audience. “Parents, students, friends and fellow alums — it’s an honor to be with you tonight,” said Kelly. “We share a love and appreciation for this extraordinary institution, which helped to make so many of us the men and women we are today.”

When Kelly introduced his co-honoree, Catsimatidis thanked the University — and noted the unique personal significance of being back at The Plaza. “Thirty-six years ago, on this stage,” he said, “I asked my wife Margo to marry me.” Reflecting on Manhattan’s long history of preparing young men and women for success, Catsimatidis said that “helping the young people of our nation, inspiring them to succeed, is one of the most important things we can do.”

Concluding his remarks, Catsimatidis asked everyone to stand and sing God Bless America. Afterward, the guests immediately joined in a standing ovation.


John A. Catsimatidis
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Red Apple Group
Raymond W. Kelly ’63
Chief Executive Officer, Guardian Group
Former New York City Police


Michael J. Regan ’63
Former Vice Chairman and Chief Administrative Officer

George Venizelos
Executive Vice President,
Red Apple Group
Former Assistant Director, FBI

Honorary Chair

Thomas D. O’Malley ’63
Former Chairman
Manhattan University Board of Trustees

Vice Chairs

Mark B. Codd ’71, J.D.
Frederick D. Suydam Memorial Association

Noreen Krall ’87, J.D.
Retired Vice President and Chief Litigation Counsel
Apple Inc.

Charles Manning ’73
Managing Director
Global Infrastructure Solutions Inc.

Kyle Margolis
Senior Advisor
Chevron Corporation

Thomas J. Meloro ’86, J.D.
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP

Kenneth A. Rathgeber ’70
Former Chairman
Manhattan University Board of Trustees

Thomas Z. Scarangello ’79, P.E.
Executive Chairman
Thornton Tomasetti

Carlo A. Scissura, J.D.
President and Chief Executive Officer
New York Building Foundation

Michael J. Squarzini ’92, P.E., LEED AP
Thornton Tomasetti

Curt C. Zegler ’93
Vice President
Turner Construction Company

Donor List