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Memorial, Tribute and Testamentary Gifts

Memorial Gifts

Through your generosity, you can permanently honor family members, former classmates and others who are dear to you.

Memorial gifts to Manhattan University help to strengthen the cause of Lasallian Catholic higher education while paying tribute to the memory of those who have played a meaningful role in your life. We are deeply grateful to all who choose to give in this uplifting way. The following list gratefully acknowledges those honored by gifts in their name over the past year.

In Memory of William M. Albrecht ’58
Ann M. Albrecht

In Memory of William J.  Alger ’64
Judith Alger

In Memory of James E.  Antenucci ’60
Patricia S. Antenucci

In Memory of John P.  Bannon ’51
Virginia R. Bracken

In Memory of Nicholas J.  Bartilucci ’54
Helene and Paul Bartilucci
Nassau Suffolk Water  Commissioners’ Association

In Memory of Robert E.  Beardsley ’50
JoEllen N. and C. Lowell ’66 Parsons

In Memory of Silvio A. Berni ’74
Doreen and Kevin C. Fitzpatrick ’74 

In Memory of Br. George R. Berrian, FSC ’50
Michael Goldstein ’80

In Memory of Anthony E. Beyer ’63
Carole M. Beyer

In Memory of Philip C. Bonanno
Arlene and Reuben Mark

In Memory of Edward J. Bowes ’64
Kathy and Vincent J. McArdle, Jr. ’64 

In Memory of Sr. Geraldine E. Bowes ’75
Mary Jo Crino

In Memory of Br. Alexander Joseph Brennan, FSC ’27
Anita and Robert T. Colleran ’66 

In Memory of Br. B. Joseph  Brennan, FSC ’30
Estate of George A. Mulligan ’65

In Memory of Br. B. Thomas Brennan, FSC ’31
Estate of George A. Mulligan ’65

In Memory of Donald R. Broderick ’86
Karen and Charles E. Green

In Memory of Kevin P. Brooks ’66
Virginia Brooks

In Memory of Gerald F. Buckley ’64
Kathy and Vincent J. McArdle, Jr. ’64 

In Memory of Steven Burchik ’67
Barbara T. and Stephen D. Laruccia ’67

In Memory of John J. Butz ’89
Justine D. Butz

In Memory of William J. Byron ’74
Joan Greulick and Thomas W. Byron

In Memory of Donald C. Cacciapaglia ’73
David Korman

In Memory of William P. Cain
Eileen Cain

In Memory of John P. Callan, Jr. ’61
Emily Callan

In Memory of Lily V. Callan ’18
Mary J. and Charles V. Callan

In Memory of Thomas J. Calogero ’80
Michael Calogero

In Memory of David S. Carron ’90
Denise McCool

In Memory of Vincent J. Catania ’67
George A. Savino ’15
Jane and George O. Savino

In Memory of Algirdas Cesnavicius ’65
Josephine and Phillip F. Castellano ’65 

In Memory of Frederick S. Cheesman
William J. Horn, Jr. ’64

In Memory of Br. James X. Collins, FSC
Thomas J. Barrett ’81

In Memory of James T. Connors ’57
Patricia Connors

In Memory of Barbara Cook
Carolyn and Robert J. Aberbach ’61
Sophie and William G. Burger ’61
Carol and Brian J. O’Hare ’61 

In Memory of Joseph J. Coppo, Jr. ’75
Donna C. and Thomas F. Igoe

In Memory of all Deceased
Members of the Class of 1950
Johanna and Peter J. Nastri ’50 

In Memory of all Deceased
Members of the Class of 1954
Mary and Donald F. Costello ’54

In Memory of Steven F. Devaney
Patricia F. and Frank ’61 Devaney

In Memory of Christopher G. Devey ’82
Ellen B. Devey

In Memory of Donald P. Devey ’56
Ellen B. Devey

In Memory of Anne Dixon
Catherine N. Luongo-Dixon ’78 and James J. Dixon ’82

In Memory of Matthew M. Dolan ’42
Rosemary Christoff Dolan

In Memory of Timothy J. Driscoll ’64
Janice Driscoll

In Memory of Michael A. Ehner ’65
Doris Ehner
Maureen and Bernard J. Leddy, Jr. ’65

In Memory of Arthur J. Eisenhuth ’57
Robert J. Eisenhuth ’90

In Memory of Lewis H. Eslinger ’50
The Smalley Foundation

In Memory of William K. Finn ’56
Helen Finn

In Memory of Martin D. Fogarty ’60
Kerry M. Fogarty ’96

In Memory of Richard G. Fontana ’66
Lucille A. Fontana

In Memory of Joseph C. Gallagher ’49
Katherine Kolander and Ira J. Siegel
Albina Gaudino

In Memory of James A. Glenister ’61
Valerie A. and William F. McCarthy ’61

In Memory of Thomas P. Gunning ’60
Helen M. Gunning

In Memory of Garrett F. Halpin ’88
Alyssa H. Pirone ’89

In Memory of Br. Kevin Hargadon, FSC
Aileen T. Jones

In Memory of Daniel J. Houlihan ’41
Maureen Doran-Houlihan ’78 and Gerard J. Houlihan ’79

In Memory of Br. Gregory Hunt, FSC ’50
Ailish ’95 and Peter Doran

In Memory of John N. ‘Doc’ Johnson ’91
Christopher F. Hughes ’74

In Memory of Eileen Jones
Aileen T. Jones

In Memory of Francis J. Jones ’50
Aileen T. Jones

In Memory of Franco P. Juricic ’88
Alyssa H. Pirone ’89

In Memory of Br. Gabriel Kane
William J. Fickinger ’55

In Memory of Brian T. Kivlan ’69
Kerri Kivlan
Mary-Beth and Gilbert M. ’75 Landy

In Memory of Kenneth R. Laker ’68
Maureen P. McTague
Kay F. and Andrew S. Uhler, Jr.

In Memory of Liborio J. LaMagna ’52
Anna LaMagna

In Memory of Min L. Lee ’52
Dora S. Lee

In Memory of George Magyar ’75
Margaret Kiss

In Memory of Neil B. Mahoney ’61
Valerie A. and William F.  McCarthy ’61 

In Memory of John D. Mahony
Nicola J. Peill-Moelter ’87 and Eric Moelter

In Memory of John T. Maloney ’54
Catherine M. Maloney

In Memory of John H. Mark ’00
Baha Albataineh
Kathie and Augustine Aloia
Peter J. Barnwell
Hugh Beglin ’00
Dianne M. Bentzley
Adrianne and Jared D. Blake
Kathleen Campbell
George Chin
Michele T. and Anthony Classe
MaryBeth E. Colgan
Christine Crespo ’06 and Marc Ewen
Jeanne and John P. Curran
Aura Darpi
Christina DeGregorio
Michele DiRuggiero
Anne Marie E. Drain ’07
Mary Faucher and Steven Klugman
Mary Pat Gawors
Katherine and Charles Grantham
Jacqueline Halpin
Mary B. Hennessey

Melinda Janow
Stephen Jerome
GiGi Kearns
Stu Keeler
Alene Keller
Jonathan Luca
Michael Luca
Sylvester Luca
Mary Ann Lynch-Minson ’03 and Patrick Minson
Angela P. ’87 and John H. Mark ’71
Catherine T. Mark and Richard L. Reuter
Angela I. Martin
Carmela and Kevin McCabe
Kevin J. McCabe ’00
Brian McCarthy
Elizabeth McClure
Mary Ellen McDermott
Susan Mezo
Arlene A. and Joseph Moliterno
Edward and Maureen A. Nusser
Mary Ann ’68 and John F. O’Donnell, Jr. ’61
Nicholas Quaranti
Joseph M. Reames
Anna Reuter
Joan M. Rossillo
Gianluca Rottura
John Schriver
Victoria Sheffield
Julie Simoni
Julie and Andrew Sovia
Christina Swantak ’99
Bernard Whalen

In Memory of Robert F. Martin ’58
Barbara Martin

In Memory of Robert J. Matsen ’50
Jean and David M. Piccorelli ’84 

In Memory of Bernard J. McCaffrey ’64
Mary K. McGrattan

In Memory of Joseph W. McGovern
Joseph J. McGovern

In Memory of Marie V. McGovern
Joseph J. McGovern

In Memory of Robert J.  McGrattan ’57
Mary K. McGrattan

In Memory of John D. McKenna ’61
Felicia and Anthony E. Santelli ’61
Michelle A. ’89 and Marty Sellers

In Memory of John J. McKenna ’67
Neil Helfand

In Memory of Charles J. Moore, Jr. ’70
Linda and John M. ’70 Scopaz

In Memory of Thomas J. Moran ’74
Joan Moran

In Memory of John A. Mueller ’58

In Memory of Stephen F. Munsell ’59
James F. Munsell

In Memory of Michael J. Murnane ’56
Maureen Murnane

In Memory of N. Natesan
Natesan Ramesh ’80

In Memory of Peter Nesser
John W. Meagher ’71

In Memory of Onyema M. Okorie ’69
Chinwe Egonu

In Memory of Gerald P. O’Malley ’83
Joanne O’Malley

In Memory of Br. Barnabas Edward O’Neill, FSC ’42
Josephine A. and Joseph F. Eschmann ’64

In Memory of Kathleen O’Neill Eschmann
Josephine A. and Joseph F. Eschmann ’64

In Memory of Br. Malcolm T. O’Sullivan, FSC ’48
Kitty and Robert B. Kelly, Jr. ’65

In Memory of Tyrone Pannell ’64
Kathy and Vincent J.  McArdle, Jr.’64 

In Memory of Michael J. Passarella ’63
Philip Mannino
Christine M. and Kenneth A. Rathgeber ’70

In Memory of Liberty F. Raho
Ann Marie and Peter N. Raho ’70

In Memory of Edward T. Rennard ’63
Joanne Murnane

In Memory of Joseph P. Reynolds
Luann M. Farrell ’80
Barbara Reynolds ’72
Brenda S. and Matthew T. Reynolds ’68
Gerarda Shields ’03 and William W. Taylor ’02

In Memory of Joseph F. Riordan ’71
Marie E. and Donald E. Christopher ’71
Maureen Norris

In Memory of George Roberts
Clifford A. Roberts ’91

In Memory of Michael Russo ’78
Kris and Peter T. Gaughn ’77 

In Memory of Anthony J. Scala, Jr. ’74
American Global
David A. Cornish
Jean and Matthew T. ’85 Glennon
Kaitlin A. Hansman ’10 and Thomas A. Burns, Jr. ’10
Ruth and John Hiensch
L & M Company
Nicholas Lakoumentas
Renee and Thomas Mauriello
Linda M. and Peter M. Musumeci, Jr. ’72
Brian J. Pickard
Stacey Pickard
Michele and Milo E. Riverso ’81
Mary Sacchi
Dianne M. and Peter K. Sweeney ’64
Kevin T. Walsh, Jr.
Helen and Stephen L. White

In Memory of Matthew P. Schimmenti ’64
Virginia Schimmenti

In Memory of Albert J. Schmitt ’63
Margreth D. Schmitt

In Memory of Michael E. Shanahan ’92
Edith Amey
Michelle Barbagallo
Ellenoff Grossman & Schole LLP
Joseph D. Harbaugh
Pillinger Miller Tarallo, LLP
Irma Sicklick
Erik Wood

In Memory of John J. Shea ’46
John A. Shea

In Memory of Lawrence C. Siri, Jr. ’60
John G. Rossi ’60

In Memory of James T. Smith ’60
Laura and John Cox

In Memory of William P. Steponkus ’57
Christine S. and Glenn F. Brown
Francis Chucker
Janice C. Esser
Harriett L. Forster
Kenneth E. Harvey
Marlene C. Hewitt
Melinda Kenney
Karen and Reginald Leese
Pamela and Dennis Lucey
Judi K. Ornoff
Virginia Lansford Snider
William Wick

In Memory of Mark Taylor
Anya B. Taylor

In Memory of Charles H.
Thornton ’61
Carol and Frank W. Lamiano, Jr. ’56 

In Memory of John P. Tobin, Jr. ’61
SI Elite Track & Field, Inc.

In Memory of John J. Uhran, Jr. ’57
Norma Sue Uhran

In Memory of Angelo A. Vigorito, II ’52
Angelo A. Vigorito, III

In Memory of Graham Walker
Patricia and Allan Bruce
Stephen Kaplan
Natalie M. Kovac ’07
Jaclyn A. ’09 and Sean M. McCarthy ’09
Jo Anne and Louis E. Monteforte ’79
Magdeline E. Schoonover ’20
Roslyn and Gordon Silverman

In Memory of Peter Waters
Peter L. Waters

In Memory of Dean Robert T. Weil, Jr.
Marie and John H. Provanzana ’67

In Memory of Harry Wheeler ’38
Sara W. and Rick Cowan

In Memory of Carolyn F. Wright
Christopher P. Wright
Kerry and Peter Wright

In Memory of Anthony N. Zock ’36
Joseph A. Zock
Robert A. Zock, Jr.

In Memory of James L. Zock ’38
Joseph A. Zock
Robert A. Zock, Jr.

Tribute Gifts

Alumni and friends can commemorate their loved ones’ special milestones by making a tribute gift to Manhattan University. Whether the event is a birthday or retirement, a wedding anniversary or college graduation, tribute gifts mark the occasions by helping to support the deserving young men and women who pursue their degrees at our Riverdale campus.

We gratefully acknowledge the following friends and family members honored with tribute gifts this past year:

In Honor of Michael Arhin ’27
Mary Kudjo and Joshua Acquah

In Honor of Robert J. Borrmann ’58
Adeline and John J. O’Rourke ’66 

In Honor of Frances Broderick
Julie and Joseph ’20 Gallagher

In Honor of Gerard J. Caccappolo ’63
Patricia A. and Norman C. Merz

In Honor of Mark P. Crane ’25
Jane A. and Christopher B. Crane

In Honor of Rachel L. Criss ’22
Steven Criss

In Honor of Arthur R. De Simone ’56
Ellen B. Devey

In Honor of Irma Garcia
Catherine and Dennis J. McDermott

In Honor of George K. Giakos
Virginia A. Gortych-Barnes ’81 and Frederick J. Barnes ’81

In Honor of Moujalli Hourani ’81
Paul C. Schmall

In Honor of Raymond W. Kelly ’63
Bloomberg L.P.
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Patricia A. and Robert E. Guijarro ’63
Elaine and Kenneth G. Langone
Carol Anne and Edward F. Miller, III ’63

In Honor of Geoffrey T. Knowlton ’26
Charles J. Montante

In Honor of Anthony Kurtin
Catherine and Dennis J. McDermott

In Honor of Aileen Lowry Farrelly ’95
Kathleen and Michael J. Van De Loo ’94 

In Honor of Michael F. McEneney ’53
Catherine E. McEneney Chan ’10

In Honor of John P. Murphy ’92
Mary and Eugene F. Murphy

In Honor of Timothy O. Murphy ’93
Mary and Eugene F. Murphy

In Honor of John L. Paluszek ’55
Karen M. and Thomas O. Muldoon ’62 

In Honor of Lauren E. Rende ’23
Alexander D. Rende

In Honor of Retired Teachers and Christian Brothers
Patrick G. Lonergan ’74

In Honor of Frederick M. Schweitzer
Amy and Gustav Henry Bensen

In Honor of Stephen J. Squeri ’81
Barry Kirschner
The Valerie Fund
Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz

In Honor of Amy Surak
Kathleen and James J. Coyne ’71

In Honor of Louis Theodore
Deborah ’78 and Walter F. Matystik ’72 

In Honor of Heather Vulin
Meghan and Michael F. Kelley ’07 

In Honor of Timothy J. Ward
From the faculty and staff of the Civil and Environmental Engineering department, for his dedicated services as dean of the School of Engineering from 2008 to 2023

In Honor of Ryan K. Wheeler ’01
Keith Wheeler

Testamentary Gifts

Making a bequest of any size represents a meaningful investment in the continuing strength of Manhattan University — and its abiding Lasallian Catholic mission. Over the past year, Manhattan was the grateful beneficiary of bequests and other testamentary gifts from the estates of these departed alumni and friends:

Anonymous (2)
Estate of Egidio Carbone, Jr. ’61
Estate of Barbara Ann and Joseph J. ’58 Carroll
Estate of Christopher D. Cortese ’71
Estate of James P. Duffy ’58
Estate of Mary J. and Daniel G. ’49 Head
Estate of Elaine S. and James P. ’62 Hynes
Estate of Jane and John J. ’59 Keegan
Estate of Thomas J. Kelly ’61
Estate of H. Roy McArdle ’41
Estate of John T. Meehan ’59
Estate of George A. Mulligan ’65
Estate of Carol H. and Robert L. ’52 Plummer
Estate of Thaddeus L. Regulinski ’50
Estate of Joseph ’36 and Ruth Donovan Ruth
Estate of Jadwiga Scala
Estate of Robert C. West ’52