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Endowed and Restricted Support

Throughout its long and distinguished history, Manhattan University has pursued a single, overriding goal: to provide an outstanding,values-based education for all hardworking students, no matter their financial circumstances.

Today, as always, this important work remains strong through the generosity of dedicated benefactors who believe in the vital enterprise of Lasallian Catholic higher education. Through their ongoing support, new generations of talented young men and women will be able to complete their studies at the Riverdale campus. They, in turn, will provide ethical leadership for their communities and careers — just as their accomplished predecessors continue to do.

The ability to provide students with scholarship aid is critical to the University’s mission. During the 2023-24 academic year, faithful alumni and friends continued to create endowed scholarships — lasting in perpetuity — with generous gifts of $50,000 or more. Manhattan disburses the interest that accrues in a given year, allowing the principal to remain intact. This past academic year, 700 students received $3,961,012.92 in endowed scholarship aid.

At the same time, loyal donors also offered assistance through restricted scholarships. Unlike those which are endowed, these funds are immediately given to student recipients. Through the generosity of the University’s benefactors, 142 students received $1,063,545.16 in restricted scholarship aid during the 2023-24 academic year.

Named scholarships continue to serve as an enduring means of honoring a cherished relative, professor or other esteemed individual. Manhattan University is deeply grateful to every generous benefactor who provides such critical aid for today’s young Jaspers. The following new scholarships were established during the 2023-24 academic year:

Endowed Scholarships and Funds

The Casey J. McNamara ’79 and Stephen P. Viscusi ’79 Endowed Scholarship

Casey J. McNamara ’79 and Stephen P. Viscusi ’79 established this scholarship in 2024 for students enrolled in the O’Malley School of Business or the School of Engineering who are in need of financial assistance. Preferably, recipients should be first-generation students of Hispanic ethnicity, principally from a Latin American family that immigrated to the United States.

The Patricia and James Patrick Duffy ’58 Scholarship

Established in 2024 by the estate of James Patrick Duffy ’58, this scholarship supports students in need of financial assistance.

The Joseph J. Jevcak ’61 Endowed Scholarship

Established by Joseph J. Jevcak ’61 in 2024, this annual scholarship will assist a deserving student preferably of Byzantine/Greek Catholic, Slovak or Eastern European heritage.

The Nadine and David Rodriquez ’55 Endowed Environmental Fellowship in Memory of Donald J. O’Connor ’44

Nadine and David Rodriguez ’55 created this fellowship for full-time graduate students with financial need who are enrolled in the environmental engineering program.

The Donald W. Parriott ’83 Fund

Donald W. Parriott ’83 established this fund in 2024 to support students in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) discipline with at least a 3.5 GPA. This is a merit award; financial need is not a consideration.

Restricted Scholarships

The Stephen J. Muldoon ’74 Restricted Scholarship

Established by Stephen J. Muldoon ’74 in 2024, this source of aid supports a full-time student enrolled in the civil engineering program who demonstrates financial need.

If you are interested in endowing a scholarship at Manhattan University, please contact Elizabeth Plaushin, director of planned giving, at (718) 862-7976 or eplaushin@manhattan.edu