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De La Salle Dinner Donors

Individual Supporters

Arthur J. Alzamora, Jr. ’03
Salvatore J. Bellofatto ’63 ***
Thomas A. Byrnes ’63 ***
Patricia A. Carey ’23
Margo Vondersaar Catsimatidis and John Catsimatidis
Mark B. Codd ’71 ***
Mary H. ’80 and James K. ’80 Coleman ***
Robert E. Colletti ’91 * T
Anne M. ’84 and William I. ’84 Cote *** T
Frank R. DeWald ’73 ***
Thomas G. Doherty ’70 ***
Maureen and William N. ’75 Dooley *** T
Joseph G. Engels ’75 ***
Robert J. Farrell ’54 *** FT
Thomas D. Farrell ’83 *** T
Nicholas A. Felicetti ’61 ***
Corine and Thomas Fitzpatrick, Sr. ***
Wilmer Flores ’99
Neal C. Garelik
John Greed
Robert E. Guijarro ’63 ***
John J. Harvey ’63 *
Shorn W. Henderson ’03 and Kenneth N. Bouyer ’90 ** T
Patricia and Cornelius J. ’62 Higgins *** TE
Eric Hirani *
Claire and William A. ’77 Houlihan ***
Genevieve and Thomas P. Houlihan ***
Judy and John G. Houlihan ***
Patricia and James J. Houlihan ***
Cyrus J. Izzo ’87 *** T
Anthony P. Kavanagh ’82 ***
Veronica C. and Raymond W. ’63 Kelly ***
Steve Kerge
Michael J. Kilkenny ’63
James A. Kosch ’77
Noreen A. Krall ’87 *** T
Thomas P. Kuster ’86 *** T
Elaine and Kenneth G. Langone
Patricia ’80 and Robert S. ’80 Lowenwirth **
Patricia and David MacRae ***
Thomas O. Maggs
Charles Manning ’73 ***
Fredric Marro ’77 *** T
Lynn C. Martin ’98 *** T
Rosanne T. Matzat ’82 *** TE
Renee and Thomas Mauriello ***
Kathleen and John J. ’80 McAvoy *** FT
Frank J. Dubeck and Marybeth K.
McCall ’74 *** T
Jean M. ’86 and Thomas J. ’86
Meloro, Jr. *** FT
Edward F. Miller, III ’63 ***
Maryanne Miller * T
Joseph L. Monteith ’61 ***
J. Emmett Murphy, Jr. ’63
Peter M. Musumeci, Jr. ’72 *** FT
Mary Alice and Thomas D. ’63 O’Malley *** TE
Robert J. Palumbo ’96
Edward V. Piccinich ’84 *
Connie Pisani ’06 ***
Kenneth A. Rathgeber ’70 *** TE
Michael J. Regan ’63 *** TE
Karen E. ’93 and James J. ’77 Reilly ***
Milo E. Riverso ’81 *** T
Albert J. Rosa ’63 ***
Richard G. Sartore ’63 ***
George A. Savino ’15 ***
Anthony J. Scala, Jr. ’74 *** T +
Mary Ellen Scala ***
Thomas Z. Scarangello ’79 *** T
Cherly M. and Bart M. Schwartz
Patricia and Dominick M. Servedio ***
Richard M. Smith ’63
Emanuel V. Sorge ’63 FT
Michael J. Squarzini ’92 **
Stephen J. Squeri ’81 *** T
Eugene A. Sullivan ’84
Patrick J. Timmins ’77 ***
Patricia ’88 and Peter A. ’88 Torrente ***
Michael J. Van De Loo ’94 ***
Jeanette D. and John C. Walton
Julie and Michael Wirth *
Curt C. Zegler ’93 ***

Institutional Supporters

American Express Company
Bank of America
Bloomberg L.P.
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Brothers of the Christian Schools, DENA
Cauldwell Wingate Company, LLC
Chippie Foundation Inc.
Citnalta Construction Corp
Commercial Kitchens
Con Edison
Cullen & Dykman
Ernst & Young LLP
Follett Higher Education
Fredric Marro & Associates, P.C.
Gotham Government Relations
Helen and Anthony J. Scala Foundation
Hudson Meridian Construction Group
Infinite Consulting Corp
James G. Houlihan Family Second, LP
John and Margo Catsimatidis Foundation
Light & Wonder, Inc.
The LiRo Group
McCarter & English, LLP.
Merrill Lynch
Mutual of America
New York Building Congress
New York Stock Exchange, Inc.
PACO Group
Pavarini North East Construction Co.
Railroad Construction Company
RSC Insurance Brokerage Inc
SL Green Realty Corp.
Spark451 Inc.
STV Group, Inc.
Syska Hennessy Group, Inc.
T.D. & M.A. O’Malley Foundation
Thornton Tomasetti
Turner Construction Company
United Refining Company
University of Notre Dame
Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz

* = 3 or more years of consecutive giving
** = 5 or more years of consecutive giving
*** = 10 or more years of consecutive giving
Dignitary = $100,000 and more
Patron = $50,000-$99,999
Chairman = $25,000-49,999
Founder = $10,000 - $24,999
Member = $5,000 - $9,999
Lasallian = $2,500 - $4,999

Leadership Group = $1,500 - $2,499
Cupola Club = $1,000 - $1,499
Quad Club = $500 - $999
1853 Society = $250 - $499
Jasper Oval = $100 - $249
Supporter = $1 - $99
FT = Former Trustee
T = Trustee
TE = Trustee Emeritus
+ = Deceased