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About Us

In management and marketing classes, you get a real taste of the industry by consulting on projects that have useful and applicable outcomes in our local community and beyond. As a student in this department, you are encouraged and supported by faculty to follow your passions by taking on an internship, pursuing a research project, or even launching your own business.

Meet a Marketing Major: Kelly Paulemon

A native of Haiti, marketing major Kelly Paulemon has had two internships in her home country but plans to stay in New York City post-graduation to start a career in trade marketing and point-of-sales.

Our Programs

The Management & Marketing Department offers access to New York City and an extensive alumni network — key factors to succeeding in the exciting and ever-changing world of business. Students are encouraged to engage in widely-available NYC internships to help them prepare for a professional career. The department offers two distinct majors and three distinct minors:

  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Minors in management, marketing or global business studies are available to students enrolled in the School of Business.
  • Meet our Faculty

    Learn about the faculty teaching in the Management and Marketing departments.
  • Faculty Emeriti in this Department

    The below is a complete list of living faculty members who retired from the Management and Marketing departments and hold emeritus status

    • Dr. Salwa Ammar, Professor Emeritus (Management)
    • Dr. Carolyn Predmore, Professor Emeritus (Marketing)
    • Dr. Frederick Greene, Associate Professor Emeritus (Management)
    • Dr. Michael Judiesch, Associate Professor Emeritus (Management)
    • Dr. Emile Letendre, Associate Professor Emeritus (Management)
    • Dr. Dong Hwan Lee, Associate Professor Emeritus (Marketing)
    • Dr. Melvin Zimet, Associate Professor Emeritus (Managerial Sciences)
    • Dr. Alfred Manduley, Assistant Professor Emeritus (Marketing)