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Chemical Engineering

Chemical engineering is the profession which applies mathematics, chemistry and physics to develop economic ways of using raw materials and energy for the benefit of humankind. Chemical engineers develop processes and products that are energy efficient, environmentally-sustainable and profitable. Chemical engineers make products such as petrochemicals, polymers, drugs, therapeutics, paper, dyes, fertilizers, foods and beverages. Practically every product that we use and enjoy has involved chemical engineering.

Why Choose Chemical Engineering?

This badge signifies our chemical engineering program is a stem-designated program.

Chemical engineers are in demand because of the large number of industries that depend on processing raw materials into usable products. Chemical engineers and their innovations propel many areas of technology and create solutions for tomorrow. At Manhattan University, the chemical engineering major is designed to develop fundamental technical skills, provide training in communication and professional development, and impart a practice-oriented education.

The Classes

As a chemical engineering major, you will develop skills in a variety of topic areas including:

  • Material and energy balances
  • Thermodynamics
  • Fluid mechanics
  • Energy and mass transfer
  • Separations technologies
  • Chemical reaction kinetics and reactor design
  • Process design.
  • Process safety
  • Environmental engineering principles

Electives and Focus Areas

Within the undergraduate program, chemical engineering students at Manhattan have four technical electives in their senior year.  This allows them to focus their studies in one of the following areas:

Students may also pursue a minor in environmental engineering, which allows students to take five courses in environmental engineering within the Civil and Environmental Engineering department. This area of study provides students career opportunities in areas such as water treatment, transport of contaminants in natural aquatic systems, site remediation, and the design and management of environmental systems. 

Hands-on Learning

Our students are encouraged to participate in co-curricular, service, outreach and research projects outside of the classroom. Some popular examples include:

  • Chem-E-Car competition (sponsored by the American Institute for Chemical Engineers, AICHE)
  • Becoming a member or serving on the executive board of the Society of Women Engineers or the student chapter of AICHE
  • Presenting papers and research findings at professional conferences  
  • Working at a chemical engineering company during the summer as an intern. Our New York City location and well-connected alumni provide students numerous internship opportunities. 

What Will You Learn?

As part of your coursework in chemical engineering, you will learn the core chemical engineering principles needed to be successful in a career in industry, or careers in research, medicine, business and law.  In addition, you will learn software, programming and professional design packages used in industry today.  
As a chemical engineering major at Manhattan, students have the ability to focus their studies in environmental engineering (as a minor), petroleum engineering, biopharmaceutical engineering, or cosmetic engineering. These focus areas give our students a specialized education and a competitive advantage for job placement.

Chemical engineering is also offered as a minor.

See degree requirements

What Will You Do?

Employers from all industries seek the analytical and problem-solving skills developed by chemical engineers. Chemical engineers are some of the highest-paid professionals in the country.

Of the many Chemical Engineering programs I researched in high school, the one at Manhattan had everything I wanted: an excellent reputation, a challenging curriculum, and classes small enough for the professors to know who I am.

Bill Taylor ’02, Project Engineer, Wyeth Biotech