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  • Civil & Environmental Engineering Department

    Bridging the Gap

    Our graduates go on to become leaders in major civil infrastructure projects that affect the lives of millions of people.

About Us

Encompassing two of the School’s oldest and most reputable programs, the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department has grown and adapted throughout the years to meet the needs of our changing world. Today, it is one of the largest departments on campus and offers a wide breadth of engineering courses that tackle important issues from the safety of our city’s infrastructure to ensuring that everyone has access to clean water.

The civil and environmental engineering programs are highlighted by hands-on learning in the labs, at internships and on-site at some of the area’s latest and greatest engineering marvels, including the World Trade Center, the Second Avenue Subway and the New NY Bridge. In fact, many of our alumni are the engineers responsible for these cutting-edge projects. As a student, you have access to these professionals through on-campus recruitment events, special lectures and our Mentor Program.

Meet a Civil Engineering Major: Ishmael Mejia

Ishmael Mejia put his civil engineering skills to work in the field through an internship with the oversight team at the New NY Bridge, a large-scale project to replace the Tappan Zee Bridge.

Our Programs

The Civil & Environmental Engineering Department puts you at the forefront of a rapidly changing and growing industry. Our students are creators and visionaries who plan to shape the world in big ways. The department offers the following programs:



  • Meet our Faculty

    Learn about the faculty teaching in the Civil and Environmental Engineering department.