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Mentor Program

mentor and mentee studentThe Manhattan Mentor Program is one of Manhattan College’s most popular and successful career development programs. The Manhattan Mentor Program is a formal, cohort-based program where student mentees are paired with an alumni mentor in their desired field for a curated mentorship experience over the course of the academic year.

The Jasper Career Network is our web-based platform which hosts the formal “Manhattan Mentor Program” in addition to other tools- including a LinkedIn-like directory for students and alumni to connect for one-off flash mentoring opportunities.

All students and alumni are encouraged to create a profile on the Jasper Career Network regardless of whether or not they are involved with the formal, cohort-based mentor program.

Aside from a virtual orientation, several milestone activities, and checkpoint surveys, all activities are up to the mentor-mentee pairs to fit their agreed upon goals and schedules.

Mentoring activities typically include:

  • shadowing your mentor at their workplace
  • reviewing your resume
  • participating in a mock interview
  • discussing career goals, job expectations and employment trends
  • attending a networking event
  • taking a company tour
  • contributing to a company project
  • attending a company meeting
  • participating in a professional development workshop together

The Manhattan Mentor Program is an excellent way for alumni to give back to Manhattan College and have a positive impact on younger Jaspers.

The application for the 2024-2025 Mentor Program is open now through Sunday, September 8th.


General inquiries about the program may be directed to the Center for Career Development at (718) 862-7224 or