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Mechanical Engineering - M.S.

Mechanical engineers research, design, develop, manufacture and test power-producing tools, engines, machines and mechanical devices. From the refrigerator in your kitchen to the car in your driveway, products made by mechanical engineers are found in everyday life.

Why Choose Mechanical Engineering?

This badge signifies our mechanical engineering program is a stem-designated program.

Mechanical engineering is a vast field with a variety of job opportunities. This field is considered the "general practitioner" of the engineering disciplines, focused primarily on the conversion, transmission and use of power.

Students who successfully complete Manhattan University’s mechanical engineering M.S. program are trained to work in industries including:

  • automotive
  • aerospace
  • biomedical
  • construction
  • green building design
  • solar energy
  • power generation

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

As a graduate student in Manhattan University’s School of Engineering, you may be eligible to apply for a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. This fellowship recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. The fellowship includes a stipend to support international research and professional development.

New York City Location

There are few better places to be a mechanical engineer than New York City. Our students use the city as their classroom, visiting sites and speaking with successful alumni who work in the industry. There’s also a chance to test out what you’re learning in class by applying for an internships or job at a major company such Boeing, Con Edison, Kraft or National Grid. 

Program Customization

You can customize your graduate program by selecting a specific concentration in one of the following areas. All concentrations require 12 credits of graduate coursework including a research component. 


The concentration in aerospace/propulsion provides a broad background in aerospace engineering principles and applications. 

MECG605 Flight Aerodynamics 3
MECG702 Compressible Flow 3
MECG746 Research Project 3 - 6
Plus one of the following elective courses:  
MECG512 Energy Conversion 3
MECG516 Turbo Machinery 3
MECG528 Alternative Energy Systems 3
MECG630 Control Systems and Applications 3
MECG704 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3
ENGG682 Applied Heat Transfer 3
    Total credits: 12

The concentration in biomechanics provides a broad background in biomechanics principles and applications. 

MECG543 Introduction to Biomechanics 3
MECG643 Biomechanics Modeling and Applications 3
MECG746 Research Project 3 - 6
Plus one of the following elective courses:  
MECG548 Introduction to Robotics 3
MECG640 Applied Solid Mechanics 3
MECG704 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3
MECG738 Advanced Dynamics 3
ENGG620 Applications of Instrumentation & Data Acquisition 3
    Total credits: 12
Engineering Management

The concentration in engineering management provides a broad background in engineering management principles. 

ENGG 652 Project Management 3
MECG746 Research Project 3 - 6
Plus two of the following elective courses:  
ENGG658 Legal Aspects of Engineering 3
MECG734 Operation Research 3
MBAC614 Managerial Economics 3
MBAC616 Stock Market and Corporate Valuation 3
MBAC622 Leadership and Organizational Behavior 3
MBAC632 Industrial Organization 3
MBAE603 Entrepreneurship 3
    Total credits: 12
Energy Systems

The concentration in energy systems provides a broad background in energy management principles and applications.

ENGG862 Applied Heat Transfer 3
MECG614 Energy Management 3
MECG746 Research Project 3 - 6
Plus one of the following elective courses:  
MECG512 Energy Conversion 3
MECG515 Energy Dynamics of Green Building I 3
MECG612 Alternative Energy Systems 3
MECG615 Energy Dynamics of Green Building II 3
MECG617 Solar Energy System Theory and Design 3
MECG704 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3
    Total credits: 12
Green Building Engineering

The concentration in green building engineering provides a broad background in green building design and applications. 

MECG515 Energy Dynamics of Green Building I 3
MECG615 Energy Dynamics of Green Building II 3
MECG746 Research Project 3 - 6
Plus one of the following elective courses:  
MECG512 Energy Conversion 3
MECG612 Alternative Energy Systems 3
MECG617 Solar Energy System Theory and Design 3
MECG704 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3
ENGG682 Applied Heat Transfer 3
    Total credits: 12
Nuclear Power

The concentration in nuclear power provides a broad background in nuclear engineering principles and applications. 

MECG513 Introduction to Nuclear Power Plant Systems 3
MECG613 Nuclear Reactor Theory and Design 3
MECG746 Research Project 3 - 6
Plus one of the following elective courses:  
MECG512 Energy Conversion 3
MECG612 Alternative Energy Systems 3
MECG630 Control Systems and Applications 3
MECG704 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3
ENGG682 Applied Heat Transfer 3
    Total credits: 12
Solid Mechanics/design

This concentration provides a broad background in solid mechanics and design priniciples and applications. 

MECG627 Applied Solid Mechanics 3
MECG736 Design of Machine Elements 3
MECG746 Research Project 3 - 6
Plus one of the following elective courses:  
MECG548 Introduction to Robotics 3
MECG676 Sustainable Materials Selection 3
MECG714 Computer Aided Engineering 3
MECG612 Finite Element Methods 3
MECG680 Advanced Strength of Materials 3
    Total credits: 12

This concentration provides a broad background in systems control engineering principles and applications. 

MECG621 Advanced Mechatronics 3
MECG630 Contro System Theory and Applications 3
MECG746 Research Project 3 - 6
Plus one of the following elective courses:  
MECG548 Introduction to Robotics 3
MECG720 Robotics and Automation 3
MECG735 Theory of Vibration 3
MECG738 Advanced Dynamics 3
MECG620 Applications of Instrumentation & Data Aquisition 3
ENGG656 Engineering Optimization 3
    Total credits: 12

What Will You Learn?

You will expand on the fundamentals of engineering disciplines, including:

  • machine design
  • electric circuitry
  • thermodynamics
  • heat transfer
  • fluid mechanics

As a final research project, all students are required to conduct an original investigation of or design a type of machine they have studied, such as a nuclear reactor or combustion system.

See the Degree Requirements

Admissions Requirements

Review the requirements and application process for this graduate program.

What Will You Do?

The need for skilled mechanical engineers exceeds the number of existing qualified workers. The mechanical engineering M.S. program will prepare you for advanced technical positions or for admission to doctoral programs.

Being part of the Mechanical Engineering master’s program was just amazing. I am now working as a mechanical engineer in New York. What I am doing is exactly related to what I learned at Manhattan University. Through my job, I even had the chance to go inside the One World Trade Center tower during construction. I couldn't have experienced such a great start in my career without Manhattan University.

Sylvain Blanchard ‘12, Mechanical Engineer at STV Group