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About Us

The Mechanical Engineering Department offers a tight-knit community. Our students have plenty of facetime with professors in classrooms and labs, and many pursue research projects one-on-one with faculty. Others choose to do an internship off-campus and get real-world industry experience.

There is a wide variety of coursework to choose from and many areas to specialize in, as well as co-curricular opportunities to match every interest. The Mechanical Engineering Department offers a supportive community of faculty, alumni and peers — it’s no wonder that our students are pursuing contests, fellowships and careers all over the world.

Meet a Mechanical Engineering Major: Veronica Caruso

Inspired by her coursework in AP Physics during high school, Veronica was drawn to engineering for the potential it has to create and improve everything around us.

Our Programs

The Mechanical Engineering Department gives you the tools to work in a variety of important fields, ranging from automotive, aerospace or biomedical engineering to construction, green building design or solar power. The department offers two degrees:

  • Meet our Faculty

    Our faculty are leaders in their fields. Find the complete list of faculty currently teaching in the Mechanical Engineering department.
  • Faculty Emeriti in this Department

    The below is a complete list of living faculty members who retired from Mechanical Engineering department and hold emeritus status

    • Dr. Vincent Antonetti, Professor Emeritus
    • Dr. Robert Berlin, Associate Professor Emeritus
    • Dr. Richard Conte, Associate Professor Emeritus
    • Dr. Kenneth Lawrence, Professor Emeritus
    • Dr. Philip Pritchard, Professor Emeritus