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Weather Alert February 6

The University will have a Delayed Opening

Due to inclement weather The University will delay opening until 11 a.m. on Thursday, February 6, 2025. All in-person classes that begin before 11:00 a.m. are cancelled, classes beginning at 11:00 a.m. and later will be held as scheduled. 

For more information visit


Undergraduate research is a key differentiator in an engineering education. Conducting a hands-on research project puts you in control and allows you to concentrate your area of study. The experience may also help you define your career goals and establish personal and professional relationships with faculty members.

Available Research Programs

Research Topics

A research project doesn’t end when the semester is over. Many students submit their papers to industry journals and present their research at conferences. A few School of Engineering projects have made a national impact in the engineering field, including:

Other topics

Other research topics that our students have studies include:

  • Microbial Fuel Cells: Powering a Wireless Network of Underwater Sensors
  • Sustainable Energy Sources: Innovation for Economic, Societal and Environmental Impacts
  • A Modeling Study of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Stress in Valgus and Non-Valgus Jumping
  • An Experimental and Simulation Study of Shaken Baby Syndrome Scenarios
  • Reducing Steel Corrosion and Determining the Impact of Lead Oxide in Concrete
  • Solar Disinfection (SODIS) of E.Coli in the Presence of Photosensitizers
  • An Experimental and Simulation Study of an Aortic Aneurysm in a Zebrafish Heart
  • Modeling the Impact of Energy Related Behaviors on Greenhouse Gas Emissions on College Campuses
  • A New Way to Solve Multi-Polynomial Equations
  • Performance-Based Vulnerability Analysis of Building Structures