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  1. Undergraduate Commencement

    Manhattan College Celebrates the Class of 2023 at Undergraduate Commencement

    Celebrated chef and television host Lidia Matticchio Bastianich delivered the Commencement address and Alixandria James ’23, was the graduating class valedictorian.    

  2. Graduate Commencement

    Manhattan College Celebrates the Class of 2023 at Graduate Commencement

    Former FDNY Commissioner Daniel Nigro delivered the Commencement address and Oscar Leon ’21, ’22 (M.S.) was the graduating class valedictorian.    

  3. Oscar Leon

    Oscar Leon ’21, ’22 (M.S.) Named Manhattan College’s Graduate Valedictorian

    Leon will be graduating with a master’s degree in organizational leadership.    

  4. SCPS Students

    School of Continuing Education and Professional Studies Offers Noncredit Certificate Programs for Students

    Three new noncredit programs have been introduced to promote career advancement.

  5. male and female college students operating radiation technology in front of projector screen

    Pre-Professional Programs Give Students an Edge in the Job Market

    The O'Malley School of Business and the schools of Continuing and Professional Studies, Education and Health, Engineering, Liberal Arts, and Science all offer programs that are designed specifically to prepare students for their careers.

  6. 1 train going north to campus

    Manhattan College to Host Bronx Businesses, Community Organizations on February 17

    The College will host a discussion on moving beyond recovery and toward prosperity together.

  7. Photos of flowers on campus

    Sustainability Efforts Continue with Advanced Certificate Program

    Students can earn an advanced certificate in green power and sustainable energy.