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Lasallian Society

Roberto J. Adames, Jr. ’13
Richard D. Aiello ’66 ***
Jeanne M. Altenau ’79 ***
Daniel R. Amoruso ’80 ***
Thomas M. Bagdonas ’69 ***
Denton Bales
James T. Bauer ’57 ***
Nick G. Benedetto ’08 ***
Vijaymahantesh Biradar ’08
Lillian C. Borrone ’77 ***
Carol Ann Branchi
Edward T. Broderick ’82 ***
Lisa M. and Russell W. Broderick ***
Mark Brown
Monica F. Brown ’91 ***
Thomas E. Browne ’59 ***
Oswald Calderon ’97
David E. Cannizzaro ’14
Thomas P. Cassidy ’95 *
Maureen A. Clark ’84 **
Robert B. Clark ’82 **
Luke D. Clemente ’83 ***
Eugene P. Clerkin ’52 ***
Christine and William Clyde ***
Vincent R. Colabello ’68 ***
John P. Connolly ’73 **
Ryan P. Conry ’10
Sara W. and Rick Cowan **
Marie L. Cusic ’83 ***
Charles M. Deierlein ’82 ***
Agostinho M. DePinho ’82 **
Anna Maria DePinho ’82 **
Frank R. DeWald ’73 ***
Jenna Dingler
Michael A. Docteroff ’87 *
Francis L. Donnelly ’62 **
Michael E. Donoghue ’98
Maire I. Duchon ’77 ***
Robert J. Farrauto ’64 ***
Mary Faucher and Steven Klugman ***
Robert E. Fenton ’65 ***
John J. Feraca ’84 ***
Kathleen and George Fraser *
Keith P. Fraser ’24 *
Michael E. Gaffney ’97
Denise L. Galloway ’89
John D. Galloway ’89
Elizabeth M. Galzerano ’85 **
Joseph L. Galzerano ’85 **
Irma Garcia
William A. Gazsy ’65 ***
James J. Gibney III ’66 ***
Joseph B. Gormley, Jr. ’81 ***
Philip J. Grealy ’77 ***
Stacey A. Guardino ’90 *
Paul E. Haering ’86 ***
Steven P. Hammer ’84
Brian Hansbury ’71 ***
John L. Heaney ’65 ***
Eric Hirani *
Robert G. Histing ’64
John J. Hopkins ’74 ***
Andrew L. Jacob ’69 ***
James V. Kearney ’69 FT
John F. Keenan ’51 ***
Shawn T. Kelly ’89 ***
Bernadette A. Kelly-Finch ’95 ***
David W. Kingsbury ’55 ***
Robert A. Klocke ’58 ***
James A. Kosch ’77
Frederick L. Kraft, III ’66 ***
Frederick F. Kunzinger ’66 ***
Stuart R. Kuritzky ’06 ***
Andrew P. Larrier ’85 ***
Thomas K. Lindgren ’78 ***
John Linnane ’86 ***
Gerard T. Loftus ’56 ***
Timothy P. Long ’91 ***
James H. Loos ’69 ***
Caitlin A. Lynch ’08 ***
Charles P. Lynch ’05 ***
Joseph Maniscalco ’96
James P. Marlin ’67 ***
Michael J. Martello ’08
Rori E. Martello ’08
Renee and Thomas Mauriello ***
George G. McCann ’71 ***
Matthew G. McCrosson ’72 ***
John P. McDonagh ’72 ***
Thomas McDonagh ’64 ***
Paul J. McKeon ’73 ***
William J. McNamara ’63 ***
Michael J. Melanophy
Maryanne Miller * T
John B. Molloy ’63 **
Louis E. Monteforte ’79 ***
Patricia Moore **
Lucie and William D. ’84 Motherway
Katherine Muhlenpoh
Gerard E. Murphy ’85 *
William V. Murphy ’59 ***
Joseph J. Nahas ’64 ***
Giovanni Natale ’95 *
Charles C. Ntamere ’96 ***
Christine K. Oates ’95 *
John R. O’Connor ’62 ***
Nicholas J. Olah ’67 *
Hugh B. O’Neill ’68 **
Bonnie E. Osterwald ’84 ***
John H. Pascal ’54 *
Ann M. Paturzo ’91 ***
Christine M. Peeples ’89 ***
Kenneth J. Peeples ’88 ***
Chez Perfetto ’12 **
Richard R. Perna ’72 ***
Theresa P. Perna ’75 ***
Thomas F. Perna ’60 ***
Carla M. and James J. Perrino
Frank V. Pietrantonio ’80 **
Walter A. Probst ’64 ***
Robert D. Rampino ’71 ***
Richard J. Risickella ’69 ***
Clara and Mariano Rivera
Pia E. Riverso ’82 ***
Joseph P. Rodriguez ’72 ***
Brian M. Rohan ’72 **
Martin W. Ronan, Jr. ’59 *** FT +
John G. Rossi ’60 ***
Rani Roy
Karin E. and James G. Ryan
Kevin M. Ryan ’78 ***
Raymond J. Ryan ’51 ***
Steven Sadiker *
John P. Sasonoff ’71 ***
Joseph J. Savage ’74
George A. Savino ’15 ***
Joseph S. Schenk ’63 **
Michael M. Schwager ’78 **
Cherly M. and Bart M. Schwartz
Gregory J. Sexton ’82 **
Louden M. Sheehan ’24 *
Bethanne and Michael K. Sheehan *
Dawn and Scott Shelko *
Vincent A. Siefert ’20 *
Massimo Sorbara ’78
James K. Spata ’65 ***
Paul J. Stabile ’79
Ellen C. Tessitore ’82 ***
Joseph P. Tessitore ’77 ***
Patrick J. Timmins ’77 ***
Marisa E. Torre ’85
Mark R. Torre ’86
Girard B. Tunney ’87 ***
John A. Turner ’65
Neal X. Twomey ’74 ***
William J. Ungvarsky ’58 ***
Karen Vahey
Gideon M. Varga ’62 ***
Walter A. Voytus ’68 ***
John B. Walsh ’93
Jeanette D. and John C. Walton
Elizabeth H. Ward ’84 ***
James P. Ward ’82 ***
Peter L. Waters *
Raymond Watroba, Jr. ’79 ***
Thomas H. Welby ’71 ***
Francesa and Raymond R. ’76 Wuertz ***
* = 3 or more years of consecutive giving
** = 5 or more years of consecutive giving
*** = 10 or more years of consecutive giving
Dignitary = $100,000 and more
Patron = $50,000-$99,999
Chairman = $25,000-49,999
Founder = $10,000 - $24,999
Member = $5,000 - $9,999
Lasallian Society = $2,500 - $4,999
Leadership Group = $1,500 - $2,499
Cupola Club = $1,000 - $1,499
Quad Club = $500 - $999
1853 Society = $250 - $499
Jasper Oval = $100 - $249
Supporter = $1 - $99
FT = Former Trustee
T = Trustee
TE = Trustee Emeritus
+ = Deceased