Invest in the Vision: The Campaign at Manhattan Supporters| Honor Roll of Donors | Manhattan University pause world-wide-web instagram volume-medium linkedin flickr basketball devices home pencil person-money rss slider-left-arrow slider-right-arrow slider-left-arrow slider-right-arrow star video-transcript close hamburger minus plus account arrow certificate city globe graduation-cap graph handshake info info-2 map play search snapchat x facebook file-text-o youtube tumblr camera file-text

Campaign Donors List


$25,000,000 and above

Mary Alice and Thomas D. ’63 O’Malley TE

$10,000,000 - $24,999,999

Aimee Rusinko and Michael J. ’58 Kakos
Susan and James B. ’69 Patterson FT
Tina and Stephen J. ’81 Squeri T

$5,000,000 - $9,999,999

Patricia and Cornelius J. ’62 Higgins TE

$3,000,000 - $4,999,999

Steven and Alexandra Cohen
Casey J. McNamara ’79
Stephen P. Viscusi ’79

$1,500,000 - $2,999,999

Maureen and William N. ’75 Dooley T
Timothy Doran
Linda and Dennis M. ’73 Fenton
Mary and Robert M. ’57 Fink FT
Arthur J. Mahon ’55 FT
Roberta and William V. ’59 Murphy
Helene and Kenneth W. ’65 Orce FT
JoEllen N. and C. Lowell ’66 Parsons
Debra Pulver
Robert G. Pulver ’69 FT +
Christine M. and Kenneth A. ’70 Rathgeber TE
Anthony J. Scala, Jr. ’74 T +
Mary Ellen Scala

$1,000,000 - $1,499,999

Mary Ann Avella T
Ellen S. Cacciapaglia ’79
Sandra and Neil P. ’68 DeFeo FT
Laura B. and John M. ’85 Desmarais T
Jacquelin Brova and Matthew T. Farrell ’78
Ann and Robert A. ’69 Garbarino
Joseph J. Jevcak ’61
Cheryl A. and Thomas P. ’86 Kuster T
Patricia and James P. ’56 Maguire
Gail A. and Fredric ’77 Marro T
Joan Moran
Thomas J. Moran ’74 FT +
Renee and Michael J. ’63 Regan TE
David A. Rodriguez ’55

$500,000 - $999,999

Judith and James J. ’61 Boyle
James F. Brady ’47 +
Frances Broderick
Raymond Broderick +
Elaine and George B. ’56 Bumiller
Susan and Gerard J. ’63 Caccappolo T
Lesa and Thomas E. ’72 Capalbo
James K. Coleman ’80
Mary H. Coleman ’80
John P. Connolly ’73
Deborah and Thomas D. ’83 Farrell T
Gerald M. Fava ’69
Deborah and Anthony N. ’78 Fernicola
Jean Gregory
Peter B. Heller +
Claire and William A. ’77 Houlihan
Genevieve and Thomas P. Houlihan
Judy and John G. Houlihan
Patricia and James J. Houlihan
Christopher F. Hughes ’74 T
William F. Jaenike ’60 +
Alison Saifer and Michael J. Kelly ’80
Moira A. Kilcoyne ’83 FT
Geraldine and Valentine A. ’62 Lehr, Jr. TE
Patricia and David MacRae
John D. Mahony +
Susan C. Matthews
Kathleen and John J. ’80 McAvoy FT
Thomas H. McCormick ’72
Thomas F. McGowan ’72
Linda M. and Peter M. ’72 Musumeci, Jr. FT
Adeline and John J. ’66 O’Rourke
Denise and Vincent G. ’74 Riverso
Richard C. Wilbur ’58 +

$250,000 - $499,999

Lisa Gomez and John H. Banks, III ’85 FT
Martha Therese Benshoff
Molly and Patrick G. ’75 Boyle TE
Jeanette A. ’87 and Keith C. Brown
Barbara Cain +
Frank J. Cain ’56 +
Mario J. Catani ’54
John P. Curley ’60 +
Carole and Mauro J. ’59 D’Addato
Shirley and Paul V. De Luca
Gerard A. deBlasi ’85
Kristine A. deBlasi ’86
Robert J. Farrell ’54 FT
Mark J. Gately ’73
Patricia and John C. ’80 Hall
Susan and William P. ’69 Hannon FT
James G. Houlihan ’47 +
Edward and Noreen A. ’87 Krall T
Valerie Lacey
Grace and John Leahy
Robert Lobley ’81
Fran and Emmett P. ’66 Lynch
Thomas P. Doherty and Lynn C. Martin ’98 T
Patricia and Bernard V. ’65 McElhone
Helen T. and Eugene R. ’63 McGrath TE
Jamie and Robert E. ’87 McGrath
Michael M. McHugh ’80 +
Jean M. Meloro ’86
Thomas J. Meloro, Jr. ’86 FT
Lynn Montemarano
Eileen B. Motherway ’84
James S. Motherway ’83 FT
Peter M. Mulderry ’87 FT
Mary and Eugene F. Murphy
Ellen and Joseph P. ’83 Oates
Francis C. Orawiec ’68
Carol Ann Parisi ’94
Dominic Parisi ’94
Claudia and Mark W. ’80 Pfaff
Michele and Milo E. ’81 Riverso T
Eileen Scariano ’95
Paul Scariano ’94
Patricia and Dominick M. Servedio
Andrea and Joseph F. ’87 Tortorella
Maureen and Joseph M. ’69 Tucci
Angela and Louis U. ’79 Vitali
Diane and James R. Weldon
Juliette White
Alma and Kenneth F. ’72 Wiegand, Jr.
Anita and Paul A. ’73 Yarossi
Joseph A. Zock
Robert A. Zock, Jr.

$100,000 - $249,999

Anonymous (2)
Paula and John A. ’69 Addeo
Carol and Robert E. ’72 Altomare
Joseph A. Barbosa ’57 +
Edward Bastian
Marc Benioff
Mary Ann Bette
Suzanne and Keith Block
Kenneth N. Bouyer ’90 T
Dorothy and John P. ’86 Butler
Barbara Ann + and Joseph J. ’58 Carroll FT +
Margo Vondersaar Catsimatidis and John Catsimatidis
William F. Chandler ’70 FT
Marie E. and Donald E. ’71Christopher
Andrea and Robert P. ’60 Collins
Kathleen and Robert J. ’80 Coords
Anne M. Cote ’84
William I. Cote ’84 T
Sara Wheeler and Rick Cowan
Joan and Eugene J. ’67 Daly
Mary Lee and John G. ’74 Danaher
James J. Dixon ’82
Mary Ann Dooley-Vascotto ’82
Joanne M. and Patrick J. ’61 Downes, Jr.
Julie and Roland C. ’61 Emmanuele
Marie Eslinger Horowitz
Lucia D. and Steven A. ’74 Fangmann
Anne and William L. ’67 Farrell FT
Robert G. Gorman ’60
Margaret Griffin
Colleen Griffin Wagner
Mary and William A. ’67 Harkins
Dorothy and John J. ’62 Healey
Shorn W. Henderson ’03
Josephine K. Hennelly
Bonnie and John E. ’64 Henry
Leo B. and Helen C. Hollein TE
Patricia M. and John J. ’73 Horan, Jr.
Marie and Robert D. ’66 Hunter FT
James P. Hynes ’62 +
Jeannette and Cyrus J. ’87 Izzo T
Margaret Karachuk
Anthony P. Kavanagh ’82
Thomas F. Keaveney ’60 +
Meghan and Michael F. ’07 Kelley
Joan H. and Walter P. ’70 Kelly
Dolores and Robert J. ’56 Kleffmann
Margaret and William Klesse
Olivia Ellison and Richard J. Koeltl ’64
Karen Laino Giannuzzi
Maureen C. and Joseph J. ’64 Lavin
Eileen F. and John P. ’55 Lawler TE
Maureen O’Keeffe and Thomas K. Lindgren ’78
Catherine N. Luongo-Dixon ’78
Anthony V. Maddalo ’76
Angela and John V. ’66 Magliano TE
Kenneth G. Mann ’63
Ellen and Charles ’73 Manning
Daniel L. Marier ’71
Angela P. Mark ’87
John H. Mark ’71
Gregory and Rosanne T. ’82 Matzat TE
Mary Patricia McArdle
Frank J. Dubeck and Marybeth K. McCall ’74 T
Karen A. and Thomas A. ’72 McCall
Kathleen McCarrick-Weiden ’79
Sheila S. and Bernard F. ’65 McDonagh
Tracy E. McPhaden
Madelyn and Frank N. ’57 Medici
Michael J. Melanophy
Jeanne K. Melino ’91
Maryanne C. Mola ’77
James P. Moriarty, Jr. ’85
Marie A. Moriarty ’85
Eileen K. Murray ’80 FT
Joanne O’Malley
Joanne and Denis J. ’72 O’Meara
Teresita M. and Melchor L. Pablo
Stephen J. Paluszek
Harry A. Parsons ’54 +
Diana H. and John H. ’54 Pascal
Cheryl M. and John J. ’67 Pufahl
Karen Griffin and John P. Rasulo ’86
Richard V. Robilotti ’65 +
Colette Roe
John E. Roe, Sr. ’56 +
John G. Rossi ’60
Gerry Ryan
Patricia and Frederic V. ’65 Salerno FT
Roxanne Donovan and Thomas Z. Scarangello ’79 T
Nina Easton and Russell J. Schriefer ’80
George M. Shalhoub ’71
Roslyn and Gordon Silverman
Diane and Philip A. ’71 Simonetti
Robert W. Stubbs FT +
Anya B. Taylor
John P. Tighe ’62 +
Patricia Torrente ’88
Peter A. Torrente ’88
William P. Twomey ’67 +
Michele and Joseph ’89 Urbinati
Lorenzo R. Vascotto ’83
Joan and Robert Vizza
Brendan P. Weiden ’79
Patricia and Frederick W. ’75 Werner
Julie and Michael Wirth
Monica and Jerome C. ’75 Wood
Maureen Yurcisin ’96
Thomas J. Yurcisin ’97
Maria W. Zazzera ’78
Deborah A. and Curt C. ’93 Zegler
Joann B. and William F. ’79 Zucker

$50,000 - $99,999

Thomas Avezzano ’84
Judith and William A. ’60 Bautz TE
Susan P. Bergeron
Ann and Joseph W. ’60 Berkery
Julie-Anne K. and Charles Bernroth
Gene M. Bernstein
Jay H. Bernstein
Frederick R. Best ’68
Keith Bethel
Frank Bisignano
Ann and Timothy W. ’81 Bowe
Douglas Boyle
Christine Brady ’78
Gerard P. Brady ’77
Colleen and Michael P. ’86 Breslin
Lisa M. and Russell W. Broderick
Kevin P. Brooks ’66 +
Virginia Brooks
Edward Brown
Martha P. Brown ’89 and David Bochniak
Robert Cambria
Cheryle E. Campbell
Jeffrey M. Canning ’69
Josephine and Phillip F. ’65 Castellano
Barbara A. and Michael P. ’68 Cesa
Colleen and Peter W. ’66 Clifford
Christine C. and Mark B. ’71 Codd
Martin F. Cody ’52 +
John T. Collins ’65 +
Julia B. Collins
Gregory Connolly
Virginia M. and John J. ’52 Connolly
Catherine and P. Joseph ’59 Corless
Anne Cosulich +
Jane M. Cullen
Thomas J. Delaney, Jr. ’71
May A. King and Peter E. Devlin ’99
Jean DiPalo
Patricia and Thomas F. ’71 Donahue
Paul J. Donahue
Vijay D’Silva
Candace and Christopher M. ’91 Edelmann
Marjorie P. and Thomas J. ’73 Elliott
Janet E. Ellsworth ’86
Virginia M. and Joseph G. ’75 Engels
Felice Farber
Patricia A. and Robustiano L. ’67 Fernandez
Margaret Q. and Thomas P. ’62 Finn, Jr.
Michael A. Frungillo
Patricia and Michael G. ’76 Gallo
Annie-Laurie and Michael A. ’69 Gaudino
Kris and Peter T. ’77 Gaughn
Matthew F. Gentile ’81
Ann Gibbons
Joseph P. Gibbons ’57 +
Gerri and James J. ’66 Gibney, III
Lawrence R. Grassi ’93
John Greed
Catherine M. and William M. ’85 Guerci
Ilona and William T. ’82 Hall
Margaret and James F. ’66 Harrington
Jane E. and Gary R. Heminger
Barbara A. Higgins ’70
Jacqueline M. Hourani ’92
Moujalli Hourani ’81
George Irish +
Susan and Michael C. ’67 King
Theresa R. and Paul R. ’84 Kirchgraber
Carolyn and John M. ’78 Kirrane, Sr.
Rachel Kohler and Mark Hoplamazian
Paul F. Lachiewicz ’73 +
Judith and Patrick J. ’61 Lawler
Mary Jane and James J. ’62 Lee FT
Florinda and Roger J. ’61 Lesser
Robert M. Lichten ’62 FT
Patricia and Louis A. ’67 Liguori
Denise and Normand P. ’80 Long
Joseph W. Lowry ’73
Mary Jane and Bruce G. ’74 Macklin
Joseph F. Marschhauser ’73
Carolann ’84 and Victor Maslanka
Devra and John J. ’60 McArdle
Denise McCool
Catherine C. and John D. ’73 McMahon
Mary A. Kane and John A. McMaster ’78 FT
Michael J. Mignogna ’58
Carol Anne and Edward F. ’63 Miller, III
Romy and Jose ’94 Minaya T
Arlette M. and Richard F. ’68 Mooney
Paul J. Mooney ’58
Dione Moore
Nicole and Terence ’97 Moriarty
Karen and Charles J. ’69 Murphy FT
Chester J. Nisteruk +
Angela G. and Brennan P. O’Donnell
Arlene and Michael J. ’70 O’Hara, Jr.
John Patrick O’Malley ’18
Patrick J. O’Malley
Linda and Carlos ’76 Onis
Marianne and Gerard P. ’69 O’Reilly
Rebecca Truelove and John G. O’Sullivan ’87
Rebecca Otten
Robert P. Otten ’55 +
Luciana and Jayson J. ’98 Page
John L. Paluszek ’55 FT
Richard D. Pappalardo ’55
Michael J. Passarella ’63 TE +
Laura J. and Daniel W. ’86 Patrick
Thomas E. Pedulla ’78
Annalisa and Chez ’12 Perfetto
Robert F. Perry ’79
Roseanne and Edward V. ’84 Piccinich
Diane Mooney and Frank V. Pietrantonio ’80
Thomas M. Pohlmann ’83
Joan and John M. ’73 Polcari
Paul M. Premo ’64 +
Ann and Antonio P. ’64 Quesada
Deborah A. and David M. ’74 Quinn
John Ratzan
Barbara Reilly
Claudia S. Reilly
James E. Reilly ’56 +
James J. Reilly ’77
Karen E. Reilly ’93
Marianne Reilly ’82
Nicholas J. Rettino ’19
Denise M. Richardson
George R. Roberts
Lorraine Russell
Shelley Sanders Kehl and Jeffrey A. Kehl
Anthony T. Sartorio ’84
Joan T. Sartorio ’84
Carlo A. Scissura
Katherine and William A. ’67 Scully
Joan and Mark C. ’78 Sheeran
Kevin Shevlin
Alice and Leonard J. ’69 Sofia
Melissa and Michael J. ’92 Squarzini
Patricia M. and John J. Stack
Denise and Thomas J. ’88 Stephens, III
Alison and Stephen S. ’89 Stone
Christina and Richard Stroupe, Jr.
James M. Suarez
Patricia and Denis J. ’55 Sullivan
Eileen A. Sweeney ’85
Stephen G. Thieke ’69
Debra S. and Nicholas F. ’79 Tommasino
Kevin Trent
Ailsa and John L. ’62 Tripodi
Patricia and John F. ’67 Tweedy, Jr.
Gilbert J. Van Doninck ’73 +
Patricia K. Van Doninck ’87
Mary and George Whitwell
Maryellen and John B. ’69 Wilkinson
Maryanne and Peter J. ’79 Zipf

$25,000 - $49,999

Bonni and Anthony M. ’81 Arbore
Linda and Kenneth J. ’69 Aspinall
Thomas Baltimore
Frederick J. Barnes ’81
John P. Beirne ’69
Janice G. and Michael A. ’61 Bellanca
Alicia and James F. ’73 Bendernagel, Jr.
Stephanie and Matthew J. ’83 Bonney
George V. Boselli ’49 +
Cathleen and Joseph T. ’64 Boyle
Sheila O. and Edward T. ’82 Broderick
Elizabeth and Louis A. ’63 Bufano, Jr.
Susan C. and Dennis D. ’67 Burns
Mary J. and Charles V. Callan
Christina Canale ’95
Tony D. Canale ’94
Mary Louise Carr
Timothy W. Carr ’70 +
Vincent J. Castellano ’77
Robert B. Catell
Phyllis J. and Henry J. ’65 Chlupsa
Marianne and Luke D. ’83 Clemente
Christine and William Clyde
Anita and Robert T. ’66 Colleran
William E. Collins ’69
Patricia Connors
Christine P. Corrigan ’88
Timothy G. Corrigan ’88
Christopher D. Cortese ’71 +
Eugene Crowley ’49 +
Carol and David K. ’67 Cummings, Jr.
Peter L. Cuneo ’65
Clare A. Cunniffe ’81 FT
John M. Curran
Karen Cutler
Rosemary and Vincent J. ’71 D’Aco
Charles W. DeGroat ’52 +
Patricia and Charles M. ’82 Deierlein
Juliet Deng
Carole and Michael B. ’67 Denove
Ellen B. Devey
Christopher J. Donato
Candace M. and Daniel M. ’77 Donnolo
Regina and William J. ’71 Dowd
Maire I. Duchon ’77
Clare and James J. ’51 Duffy
Nancy and John P. ’85 Ernenwein
Maureen R. Evers-Willox ’93
Barbara and James W. ’70 Fagan
Adam F. Falk
Eileen and Walter W. ’72 Farley
Corine and Thomas Fitzpatrick, Sr.
Charles T. Foley ’60
Andrew V. Galway, Jr. ’68 +
Katie and Patrick D. ’54 Giblin
Virginia A. Gortych-Barnes ’81
Nancy K. and Philip J. ’77 Grealy
Barbara A. Green
Joan Greulick and Thomas W. Byron
Alison A. Guardino ’92
Jeannine D. Haggerty-Ratchford ’91 and Philip Ratchford
Paul J. Hennigan ’76
Sarita and Jitendra Hirani
Maria C. and Andrew M. ’83 Hlushko
Eileen and Thomas E. ’80 Hoban
William J. Horn, Jr. ’64
Eileen C. and Raymond J. ’68 Huntington
Patricia and Michael S. ’67 Hyland, Jr.
Carmine P. Iovine ’64
Stephen A. Jalkut ’92
Susanna K. Jalkut ’92
Helen M. and John S. Jeris
Eileen and James E. ’67 Johnston, Jr.
Judith E. and Joseph F. ’57 Joyce
George J. Kehrberger ’62
Gregory A. Kelly
Regina and Daniel J. ’90 Kelly
Veronica C. and Raymond W. ’63 Kelly
George B. Kirsch +
Donald J. Klocke ’64
Ann and Francis J. ’56 Klocke
Karen and Andrew C. ’84 Kober
Eileen ’84 and William Kreussling
Charles A. Kunzinger ’66
Mary-Beth and Gilbert M. ’75 Landy
Andrew P. Larrier ’85
Barbara J. Mead and Richard A. Lawrence, Jr. ’68
Charles Lee
Dora S. Lee
Carol Sutton Lewis and William M. Lewis, Jr.
Millie and Timothy P. ’91 Long
Michael LoParrino ’94
Patricia Lowenwirth ’80
Robert S. Lowenwirth ’80
Margaret and George M. ’69 Lyons
Laura A. Mackin ’80
Paul A. Mackin ’79
Norina Maiorano ’95
Anthony Mancuso ’88
John J. Mangini ’49 +
Catherine Gentner Mara ’83
Chet Mara ’83
Arlene and Reuben Mark
Catherine and William T. ’67 Marshall, Jr. FT
Lucile J. and Gerald P. ’65 McCarthy
Joy and Matthew G. ’72 McCrosson
Patricia A. and John P. ’72 McDonagh
Carol and James K. ’63 McDonnell
Eastman E. McGovern ’82
Louise F. McGovern ’80
Christine and Peter M. ’71 McGroddy
Mary C. McNamara ’87 +
William J. McNamara ’63
Margaret and Francis J. ’69 Meegan
Lee-Ann and Anthony D. ’76 Mercando
Imelda and Frank A. ’66 Moeslein
Hilary M. Walsh and Kevin J. Monaghan ’77
Stephen J. Muldoon ’74
Mary and Thomas J. ’56 Mulligan
Tina and Suni Munshani FT
Frank Muscarella ’94
John W. Nason ’52 FT
Catherine and John P. ’65 Nelan
Adaobi Ukabam and Charles C. Ntamere ’96
Margaret R. O’Connell
Carol and Brian J. ’61 O’Hare
Diane and John H. ’81 O’Keefe
Paula Olsiewski
Patricia and Francis M. ’65 O’Neill
Joan and Michael P. ’79 O’Shea
Gabriella F. Osso ’97
John F. Osterndorf, Jr. ’78
Michael J. Paliotta ’87 FT
Patricia J. Paliotta ’87
Maggie and William F. ’61 Parkin
Joseph A. Peraglia ’90
Marie and John H. ’67 Provanzana
Faith and John W. ’69 Quinn
Kerry Quinn ’93
Claire P. and Lawrence W. ’56 Raymond
Michael G. Rhodes
George H. Roberts ’59
Mary Pat and Robert T. ’81 Rogers
John N. Rouke ’77
Patricia M. Ruback Kehrberger ’69
Kathleen and Robert C. ’71 Ryan
Susan and Daniel J. ’85 Ryan
Susan G. and Francis X. ’73 Ryan
Edward G. Sartore ’62
Richard G. Sartore ’63
Kathleen M. and John P. ’71 Sasonoff
Alicia Scala ’06
Anthony J. Scala, III ’03
Christopher W. Scala ’05 T
Victoria A. Scala Cornish ’10 and Derek Cornish
Albert J. Schmitt ’63 +
Margreth D. Schmitt
Rev. Erwin H. Schweigardt ’61 +
Patricia and James L. ’58 Scott, Jr.
Gregory J. Sexton ’82
Gerarda Shields ’03
Michael J. Skelly ’63 +
James T. Smith ’60 FT +
Jennifer and Brian ’96 Snodgrass
Lillian M. and James K. ’65 Spata
Deirdre and Brendan J. ’85 Spillane
Randee H. and William S. ’73 Stypulkowski
Barbara A. and John T. ’90 Sutton
Rita and Christopher J. ’51 Sweeney, Sr.
William W. Taylor ’02
Vincent Tese
Andrew Toma
Susan M. and Patrick J. ’80 Toner
Marilyn Pitts and Francis G. Tripoli ’78
Rio and Girard B. ’87 Tunney
Kathleen and Michael J. ’94 Van De Loo
Dominica and John M. ’84 Vazquez
Angelo Vivolo
Mary and Walter A. ’68 Voytus
John B. Walsh ’93
Margaret C. Walsh ’79 FT
Nancy A. and Raymond ’79 Watroba, Jr.
Lillian and Thomas H. ’71 Welby
Barbara and Richard Whitcomb
Kathleen Whiteside
Richard Whiteside ’69 +
Jack Yee ’84
Gayann and Valentine J. ’70 Zammit
Lawrence M. Ziemba
Debby Ziering

$10,000 - $24,999

Richard D. Aiello ’66
Thomas E. Alberto ’69
Judith Alger
William J. Alger ’64 +
Jeanne M. Altenau ’79
Carol L. Newcomb and Joseph A. Alutto ’62
Danielle Garza and Jesus Alva
Jessica and Arthur J. ’03 Alzamora, Jr.
Kristine and Daniel R. ’80 Amoruso
Marie Z. and Donald J. ’59 Amoruso, Sr.
Antoinette and Steven R. ’79 Antenucci
Linda and Donald S. ’65 Antilla
Laura T. ’82 and Michael G. Archbold
David Armour
Alan S. Armstrong
Norma and Jesse J. ’79 Aversano
Mary P. Bachynsky ’80
Michael J. Bachynsky ’78
Maureen and Thomas M. ’69 Bagdonas
Madeline and Alexander S. ’72 Balko, Sr.
Thomas Barnds
Michelle V. Barron ’85
William P. Barron ’85
Peter F. Barry, Jr. ’51 +
Peter J. Barry ’67
Nicholas J. Bartilucci ’54 +
Alexander J. Basse
Nancy and James T. ’57 Bauer
Carol and Michael J. ’64 Bernard
Andrea and Renato L. ’65 Berzolla FT
Puneet Bhasin
Albert R. Blanco ’91
Carole and Joseph J. ’62 Blass
Helen and Joseph N. ’68 Boland
Helen Bonomini
Lillian C. Borrone ’77
Edward J. Bowes ’64 +
Bernard C. Boyle ’65 +
Albert P. Branchi ’64 +
Carol Ann Branchi
Marie and Richard T. ’62 Brand
Delia E. Brennan ’82
Elizabeth Brennan
Michael Broderick +
Margaret and James P. ’83 Bronner
Patricia and Thomas E. ’59 Browne
Michele Buck
Steven Burchik ’67 +
Vincent A. Burolla ’65
Julia R. and Michael J. ’84 Burton
Justine D. Butz
Catherine and Patrick S. ’74 Byrne
Rosa Byrnes-Warfsman
Charles P. Caccavo ’92
Theresa B. ’79 and Brendan Cameron
Michael A. Capasso
Joseph A. Cappelli ’79
Maureen J. Cappelli ’82
Nancy and Robert G. ’63 Cardinale
Francis G. Carey ’59 +
Christopher D. Carlin ’70 +
Angela and Michael J. ’85 Carron
Angelina Carvalhal
Amy and Thomas P. ’95 Cassidy
Lena and Anthony P. Cavanna
Anil Chakravarthy
Brian S. Chasin ’12
Victoria A. Chasin ’12
Elizabeth and Paul J. Choquette, Jr.
Maureen A. Clark ’84
Robert B. Clark ’82
Patrick A. Clarke ’89
Maria E. and Joseph G. ’71 Cleary
Salvatore O. Clemente ’52 +
Nancy and Eugene P. ’52 Clerkin
Ken Clinchy
Diane and Richard C. ’62 Cohan
Gail and Vincent R. ’68 Colabello
Michael S. Coleman ’90
Maria L. and Robert E. ’91 Colletti T
Fr. Thomas E. Collins
Lisa M. and Francis A. Colucci
Hope S. Cone
Maryellen and John J. ’66 Conefry
Arlene M. and Joseph G. ’70 Connolly, Jr.
Michael J. Connors ’93
Christian Conroy ’05
Elizabeth and Edward A. ’79 Cook
Brenda and Gary L. ’84 Cooper
Marianne Cooper
Rosemarie Ann and Louis G. ’55 Cornacchia
Richard D. Corrigan ’66 +
Thomas Corrigan ’23
Robert Corvino
Louise and Robert G. ’81 Costantini
Jane and Joseph J. ’70 Costello, Jr.
Shelley and Kevin Courtney
James P. Craig ’86
Kevin C. Cronin ’60
Eileen O’Shea and Douglas E. Cummings ’63
Patricia A. and Patrick F. ’55 Cunniff
Marie L. Cusic ’83
Luis G. Custodio ’82
Mario Da Rocha, Jr. ’11
Elias Dagher ’89
Helen and Michael J. ’68 Daly
Luke A. Daur ’89
Virginia and Edward B. ’47 De Leo
Thomas E. Deegan ’85
Rhonda and Peter X. ’72 DeFabritus
Ronald M. DeFeo
Mary Sheila Demartino and Francis A. DeMartino ’62
Patricia R. and Christopher DePhillips
Agostinho M. DePinho ’82
Anna Maria DePinho ’82
James J. DeRose ’64
Stephen V. DeSimone ’88
Frank R. DeWald ’73
Marisa Di Benigno ’81
Bob Diamond
Carol and James V. ’69 Dillon
Judith and Joseph P. ’62 Dillon FT
Erica A. Mulligan ’12 and Frank J. DiSalvo ’07
Maryann and Douglas C. ’70 DiStefano
Inez Rovegno and John P. Dolly ’64
Deloris D. and Francis L. ’62 Donnelly
Eugene J. Donovan, Jr. ’56
Jo Ann and William H. ’62 Donovan
Matthew J. Dowd ’65
Margaret M. and Richard W. ’56 Dreher
Millard S. Drexler
Pamela and Christopher J. ’76 Duffy
Kathleen and Thomas J. ’66 Dugan
James J. Dunne, III
Thaddeus J. Dupper ’79
Roger W. Dwyer ’86
Barbara and John J. ’69 Eager
Scott Eason
Daniele and David V. Elkins
James G. Elliott ’68 +
John C. Elliott ’66 +
Janet G. Skidmore and Emilio A. Emini ’75
Maureen Equi ’05
Michael J. Esposito ’62
Patricia and John P. ’69 Esposito
Arthur F. Evans ’62 +
Frances and Patrick P. ’65 Falciglia
Robert J. Farrauto ’64
Catherine A. Farrell ’85
Patrick J. Farrell ’81
John Farrelly ’23
Mary Faucher and Steven Klugman
James P. Feeney ’57
William J. Feil ’76
Anastasia and Robert E. ’65 Fenton
John J. Feraca ’84
Michael D. Ferrarese ’92
Dolores and Frederick G. ’74 Ferraro
Wanda A. and Robert A. ’65 Finger
Maureen Finnegan
Raymond J. Finnegan, Jr. ’70 +
James J. Fitzpatrick ’71 +
Wilmer Flores ’99
Linda and Peter M. ’78 Flynn
Janet M. and Michael S. ’78 Foltin
Robert L. Freedman
Mary Lee ’80 and Glenn Froese
Carolyn and Terence F. ’74 Gaffney, Jr. FT
J. Patrick Gallagher, Jr.
Denise L. Galloway ’89
John D. Galloway ’89
Elizabeth M. Galzerano ’85
Joseph L. Galzerano ’85
Carol J. and Peter H. ’70 Garbincius
Mary and Thomas G. ’78 Gardiner
Eileen and Edward J. ’79 Garland
Shannon and Andrew E. Gauzza, III
Gertrude T. and William A. ’65 Gazsy
Lorraine J. and James R. Gebhardt
Kathleen M. and Edward F. ’60 Gentner
Carol and Eugene F. ’62 Gervino
Denise B. and Edmund W. ’73 Giegerich, III
Rudolph W. Giuliani ’65
Roger J. Goebel ’57 +
Cynthia Barbone-Golde and John M. Golde ’78
Patricia and Joseph B. ’81 Gormley, Jr.
Angela and William J. ’79 Graziani
Anthony V. Graziano ’69
Michael Gregoire
Susan M. and John W. ’77 Griffin
Stacey A. Guardino ’90
Lisa and Paul E. ’86 Haering
Robert E. Hagadorn ’65
Donna L. Hager Potorti ’92
Timothy J. Hagerty ’73
Michael T. Haggerty ’83
John Halvey
Steven P. Hammer ’84
Elizabeth W. and Brian ’71 Hansbury
Raymond P. Happy
Lois Harr
Mentor Haxhija ’03
George H. Hayes ’70 +
Margarita and Roy M. ’99 Helmy
Eric Hirani
Charlotte and Charles Hogan
Rhoderick M. Holliday ’67
Brian A. Holmes ’95
Maureen Holmes ’94
John J. Hopkins ’74
Michele and David F. ’74 Horan
Tony Hoskins
Helen and Francis J. ’56 Houghton, Jr. FT
Gary D. Howe
Sopheia and Ruey-Long ’76 Huang
Kimberly ’02 and Timothy Humphrey
Leslie Hunziker
Brigit Hurley ’00
James F. Hurley +
Timothy J. Hurley ’98
Judith and Mark S. ’78 Inserra
David Iommarini
Salvatore P. Italiano ’77
Carol Morgan and Edward G. Jablonski ’74
Teresa and Andrew L. ’69 Jacob
Br. Joseph W. Juliano, FSC
Suzanne and Kevin C. ’72 Kahn

*All commitments as of August 2024

Michelle and Christopher D. ’91 Kalian
Dai Kanai ’18
Sari and Hiroaki Kanai
Kathryn M. ’10 and Ravi Kantha
Amy Kaplan and David A. Brauner
Rev. Edward J. Kealey ’58 +
Martha and John J. ’74 Kearney
Kathleen M. Kearns ’79
Diane R. and John F. ’51 Keenan
Daniel J. Kelleher, Jr. ’77
Jeanne M. Kelleher ’78
Andree and Harvey R. Kelly, III
Shawn T. Kelly ’89
Bernadette A. Kelly-Finch ’95 and Darren Finch
Carole A. and Roger M. ’59 Kenny
Jaqcuelyn L. and James F. ’67 Kenney
Steve Kerge
Virginia and David W. ’55 Kingsbury
Dolores and Walter J. ’59 Klausmann
Lawrence W. Klein ’74
Theresa and William R. ’70 Klein
Barbara S. and Robert A. ’58 Klocke
Joan S. and James A. ’77 Kosch
Frederick L. Kraft, III ’66
Alice and Peter C. ’70 Krause
Thomas F. Krauter ’51 +
Fely and Kevin M. ’77 Krewell
Frederick F. Kunzinger ’66
Josh Kuriloff
Stuart R. Kuritzky ’06
Elizabeth A. La Blanc
Robert E. La Blanc ’56 TE +
Jeanine E. Lamatina ’81
Louis J. Lamatina ’79 FT
Kenneth J. Lanfear ’68
Colleen A. Latimer Caccavo ’92
Hugues Lavandier
Cathy E. and Andrew J. ’86 Lawler
Linda M. Leone ’78
William F. Leone ’76
Francis R. Lewis ’54 +
Joseph J. Lifrieri, III
John Linnane ’86
Maria P. and Merrill G. ’65 Liteplo
Frances M. and John R. ’68 Locher
Barbara and Gerard T. ’56 Loftus
Anthony Lonigro ’83
James H. Loos ’69
Stephen J. Losonsky ’62
Aileen Lowry Farrelly ’95
Jane C. and Neil J. ’70 Lucey
Patricia and William J. ’64 Lundquist
Caitlin A. ’08 and Charles P. ’05 Lynch
Francis P. Lynch ’55 +
Geraldine L. and Charles G. ’76 Lynch
Margaret Lynch
Georgette and Patrick J. ’65 Lyons
Sharad D. Madison
Ramanamurthy Magapu
Thomas O. Maggs
Robert A. Mahan
Margaret F. Mahon ’92
Charles J. Maikish ’68
Jacqueline and Richard M. ’84 Malpica
Frank J. Mangieri ’87
Ageliki Soursos-Maniscalco and Joseph Maniscalco ’96
Catherine T. Mark and Richard L. Reuter
Diane W. and James P. ’67 Marlin
Thomas M. Marquet ’63
Dennis V. Marsicano ’73
Michael J. Martello ’08
Rori E. Martello ’08
Caroline and Charles L. ’63 Martin, Jr.
Jennifer and Frank P. Marzano
Denise and Philip A. ’79 Masi
Renee and Thomas Mauriello
Jeremiah P. McCabe ’58
Mary M. and George G. ’71 McCann
James McCann
Donal F. McCarthy ’55 +
John J. McCarthy
James J. McDevitt ’77
Margaret D. and Thomas ’64 McDonagh
Edward J. McEneany ’60 +
Michael J. McGinley ’67
Lynn and Anthony B. ’66 McGuire
Rosemary and Eugene J. ’59 McGuire
Sheila M. McGurrin
Nancy J. and Paul J. ’73 McKeon
Kieran McLoughlin
Karen and Matthew McManness
Emma Julia and Thomas E. ’62 McNamara
James P. McNicholas ’70
Mary-Marti and James J. ’65 McSharry
John K. Medica ’80 +
Terrence S. Meehan
Mark Michon
Lisa M. Fernandez and Joseph M. Miletich ’89
Edward Miller
Maryanne Miller T
Catherine Curtiss and John B. Molloy ’63
Janet and John J. ’67 Molloy
Jo Anne and Louis E. ’79 Monteforte
Tara A. Mooar ’95
Patricia Moore
Marguerite B. and James A. ’75 Moran, III
Frances C. Morano ’89
Carissa and Robert Morris
Deanna Mulligan
Amy and Gerard E. ’85 Murphy
Patricia A. and Joseph J. ’64 Nahas
Tod Nielsen
Mark Niemiec
Christine and Stephen A. ’71 Noceti
Susan F. and Dennis T. ’73 Nolfo
Jo Ann and Francis T. ’62 Nusspickel
Christine K. ’95 and William K. Oates
Patricia and Otto G. ’57 Obermaier
William E. O’Connell, Jr. ’59
Moira and John R. ’62 O’Connor
Patricia A. and William G. ’70 O’Connor
Cornelius J. O’Leary ’60
Joanne C. and Hugh B. ’68 O’Neill
Steffanie and Patrick J. ’88 O’Neill
Mary Ellen and Paul V. ’80 O’Reilly
Dianne and Albert J. ’68 Orlando
Joseph W. Orsene ’50 +
Margaret and Daniel P. ’68 O’Shea
Bonnie E. Osterwald ’84
Kate and Neil T. ’90 O’Sullivan
Peter J. Owens ’75
Paul J. Pagnozzi ’83 +
Joseph J. Palya ’68
Frank D. Papalia ’81
Oliver Papraniku
Dennis Pasentine
Ann M. Paturzo ’91
Adam C. Peck ’67
Christine M. Peeples ’89
Kenneth J. Peeples ’88
Catherine and Richard R. ’72 Perna
Theresa P. Perna ’75
Thomas F. Perna ’60
Mona T. Petrocine
James P. Phillips ’58 +
Joseph Pinto
Connie Pisani ’06
Arthur A. Pizzirani ’60 +
Robert L. Plummer ’52 +
Richard J. Poccia ’79
Carolyn Porter and Marc D. Gordon
Kathleen and Walter A. ’64 Probst
Lynne and Corrado D. ’70 Quintiliani
Ann Marie and Peter N. ’70 Raho
Robert D. Rampino ’71
Ann and Richard M. ’63 Raymond
Sue Ann and Roberto A. ’82 Reale
Scott P. Reardon ’97
Richard P. Reddy ’73
Claire and George J. ’60 Reichenbacher
Rosemary and Gerald P. ’64 Reidy
John M. Reilly ’75
Kevin B. Reilly ’66
Sharon K. and Michael P. ’81 Reilly
Richard P. Remshaw ’65
Mason Revelette
Barbara Reynolds ’72
William E. Riebling ’67
Richard J. Risickella ’69
Pia E. Riverso ’82
Clifford A. Roberts ’91
Arleen A. Roche
Joseph P. Rodriguez ’72
Linda and Brian M. ’72 Rohan
David J. Romano ’60
Mary and Thomas E. ’71 Romesser
Martin W. Ronan, Jr. ’59 FT +
Aaron Rosenblatt
Margaret and David C. ’61 Rosenfeld
Maria and Richard J. ’79 Rubino
Natalia M. ’84 and James Ruderman
Marianne and Michael F. ’81 Russo
Alison M. and Kevin M. ’78 Ryan
Sybil and Raymond J. ’51 Ryan
Steven Sadiker
Fabio Santagata ’91
Jane and Joseph J. ’74 Savage
George A. Savino ’15
Joyce and Joseph S. ’63 Schenk
Theodore J. Schmahai ’80
Paul C. Schmall
Kathleen E. Scollan ’82
Robert J. Scudo ’69
Dennis T. Shanahan ’68
Anne and William J. ’54 Shannon
Darlene P. Shea ’88
Kevin M. Sheehan
Pamela and Mark J. ’06 Sheeran
Marilyn and James Simons
Vera T. and Edward J. Singer
Jasmeet Singh
Janice and Richard J. ’70 Sinnott
Lisa and Matthew Siracuse
Leslie and Peter F. ’93 Skae
Cathy and Charles A. ’68 Slivinski
Lisa Danetz and Craig R. Smith ’92
Maryanne D. Smith
Massimo Sorbara ’78
Ari A. Spett ’96
Denise M. Spillane ’84
Nicholas J. Spinella ’87
Susan M. and Peter J. ’67 Sposito
Jeffrey Sprecher
Anne Marie Anastasio and Ferdinand S. Spucci ’67
Eric V. Standifer ’77
Constance M. and Joseph E. ’58 Staszak
Derrick L. Steele
Ina and Aaron B. ’73 Stein
Joan Steinberg
Michael P. Straub ’88
Eugene A. Sullivan ’84
Lindsay A. and Denis J. ’93 Sullivan
Rosalind and Robert A. ’62 Swanson
Dianne M. and Peter K. ’64 Sweeney FT
Humayun Tai
Karen and Bret Taylor
Ellen C. Tessitore ’82
Joseph P. Tessitore ’77
Eric C. Theiner ’57
Luis M. Tormenta ’83
Marisa E. Torre ’85
Mark R. Torre ’86
Janet and Nicholas J. Tortorella
Kathryn S. Hayes and Victor J. Tortorelli ’74
Margaret T. and Daniel J. ’65 Towers
Alan Trefler
John A. Turner ’65
Debby L. and Thomas J. ’86 Ulrich
Phyllis J. and William J. ’58 Ungvarsky
Susan Murphy and Ronald R. Valeggia ’69
Linda and John N. ’70 Van Name
Jesse M. Velten ’11
Lynne and Bruce M. ’70 Venter
Frances and Raymond ’74 Walker
Rose Marie and Patrick F. ’62 Walsh
Ping Guo and Xiang Wang ’67
Gretchen Rauch and John W. Wanless ’67
Alice and James P. ’53 Ward
Elizabeth H. Ward ’84
James P. Ward ’82
Timothy H. Wasp ’67
Peter L. Waters
Nancy and Leonard J. ’76 Weireter, Jr.
Thomas J. Welling ’65 +
Carrie Wheeler
Eileen and Gerald P. ’66 Whelan
Greg White
Douglas M. Wolter ’74
Paul J. Wondrasch ’65
Christopher P. Wright
Christine and Frank J. ’68 Wuertz
Francesa and Raymond R. ’76 Wuertz
Danielle Yearick ’94
Gloria and Peter ’87 Young
Kam L. Yuen ’64
Helen and David Zalik
Sherry and Charles J. ’68 Zeller

Institutional Donors

$10,000,000 and above

The Patterson Family Foundation

$3,000,000 - $4,999,999

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation
Vanguard Charitable

$1,500,000 - $2,999,999

Deb and Bob Pulver Foundation
Gift of Hope Foundation

$1,000,000 - $1,499,999

Mutual of America
Schwab Charitable Fund
USI Insurance Services, LLC

$500,000 - $999,999

American Express Company
Ayco Charitable Foundation
The Benevity Community
Impact Fund
Bessemer Trust Company
Con Edison
Helen and Anthony J. Scala Foundation
James G. Houlihan Family
Second, LP
Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc.
The Neil and Sandra DeFeo
Family Foundation
Sportsmen For Charity

$250,000 - $499,999

Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.
Brothers of the Christian
Schools, DENA
Catholic Communal Fund
Chesapeake Charitable Foundation
Dell Technologies
Ernst & Young LLP
George I. Alden Trust
Gourmet Dining LLC
Hazen and Sawyer, P.C.
Johnson & Johnson
National Philanthropic Trust
Paul J. Scariano, Incorporated
The Smalley Foundation
STV Group, Inc.
T.D. & M.A. O’Malley Foundation
University of Notre Dame
Westmont Associates, Inc.
Zock Endowment Trust

$100,000 - $249,999

The Aramark Charitable Fund
Bond, Schoeneck & King
Brothers of the Christian Schools
of Manhattan College
Compass Group
D & B Engineers and
Architects, P.C.
Deloitte LLP
Delta Air Lines, Inc.
Desmarais LLP
DGC Contracting Corporation
F & P Salerno Private Foundation
Fredric Marro & Associates, P.C.
Fulfilling A Dream Fund, Inc.
General Contractors Association
of New York
The Gladys Brooks Foundation
Goldman Sachs Company
Griffin Family Foundation
Hess Corporation
International Business Machines
Liberty Mutual Insurance Co.
Lowy & Donnath, Inc.
Marathon Petroleum Corporation
McKinsey & Company
The Michael John Kakos and Aimee Rusinko Kakos Foundation
The Moles, Inc.
Morgan Stanley
New York Community Trust
New York Life Insurance Company
New York Stock Exchange, Inc.
Pavarini North East
Construction Co.
PBF Energy
Plains All American
Public Service Electric & Gas Co.
R.W. Tomlinson Limited
Raymond James Charitable
Round Rock Research LLC
Silman, A TYLin Company
Sodexo & Affiliates, Inc.
Switzer Foundation
Syska Hennessy Group, Inc.
The T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving
Thornton Tomasetti
TMTS Associates, Inc.
Turner Construction Company
Valero Energy

$50,000 - $99,999

ACE Mentor Program of Greater
New York
American Express Global
Business Travel
Apple Inc.
The Bank of New York Mellon
BlackRock Incorporated
Boston Consulting Group
Bouchard Transportation Co
Bridgewater Associates
Claims Conference
Coterra Energy Inc.
Credit Suisse
Davis Polk & Wardwell
Gaughn Family Holdings LLC
General Electric Co.
Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund
Hall & Associates
HDR Engineering, Inc.
The Hearst Foundations
Hudson Valley Bone and Joint
Surgeons, LLP
Intercontinental Exchange, Inc.
Isaac and Cilly Ziering
Foundation, Inc.
J.P. Morgan Charitable Giving Fund
Jaros Baum & Bolles
Jersey Shore Nursing Agency
John and Margo Catsimatidis
Klesse Foundation
Koeltl Family Foundation
The Margaret and Robert Walter Foundation
McElhone Family Charitable Foundation
Montefiore Medical Center
The Morris and Alma
Schapiro Fund
MPCC Corp.
Network For Good
New York Building Foundation
NIC Holding Corporation
Paluszek Family Foundation Inc.
Perfetto Contracting Co.
Philadelphia Energy Solutions LLC,
Phillips 66
Renaissance Charitable Foundation
Robert and Marie Hunter Fund
Robert W. Duggan Foundation
Saudi Petroleum International
Scientific Games Corporation
SL Green Realty Corp.
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan
Stroupe Family Foundation
Sunrise Detox
T. Moriarty & Son, Inc.
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
United Refining Company
Verizon Foundation
VVA Project Managers and Consultants
Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz
The Williams Companies Inc.

$25,000 - $49,999

7X24 Exchange International
Abbott Laboratories
ABCO Peerless Sprinkler
Adobe Systems
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
American International Group, Inc.
Apache Corporation
B.J. Foundation
Bain & Company, Inc.
Bank of America
Barclays Capital PLC
Barnes & Noble College
Booksellers, LLC
Bloomberg L.P.
Bloomberg Philanthropies
bpx energy
Bread Financial
Brown Brothers Harriman
Charities Aid Foundation of America
Church & Dwight Co., Inc.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
ConocoPhillips Company
Cullen & Dykman
Cushman & Wakefield, Inc.
CVS Health
CVS Health Foundation
Dentsu McGarryBowen
Devon Energy Corporation
Dimovski Architecture
Elevance Health
The Eugene and Mary Murphy Family Foundation
The Francesco & Mary Giambelli Foundation
GFP Real Estate, LLC
Gilbane Building Company
The Grove Creek Fund
Guardian Life Insurance Co. of America
Guggenheim Partners
Hahn & Hessen, LLP
HBC Foundation
The Hershey Company
Hirani Engineering & Land
Surveying, P.C.
InComm Payments
Intel Corporation
John R. & Dorothy D. Caples Fund
Lazard Freres & Co.
The Lee Family Foundation Inc.
The LiRo Group
Marie-Josée and Henry Kravis Foundation
Metropolitan Life Foundation
Microsoft Corporation
Momentum Worldwide
Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers
New York 811, Inc.
New York Community Trust- Barbara Jane Fund
New York Life Foundation
Oracle Corporation
Ovintiv USA
Peter Scalamandre & Sons
PGA Tour, Inc.
Pro Safety Services, a division of
Risk Strategies
Railroad Construction Company
The Richard and Barbara Whitcomb Foundation
Richards Manufacturing
Shearman & Sterling
Source Evaluation Society
Starr Companies
The Sullivan & Cromwell Foundation
TD Bank Group
The Teagle Foundation Inc.
Troutman Pepper
Tulsa Community Foundation
Underpinning & Foundation Skanska
United Way of the Greater
Lehigh Valley, Inc.
Waverley Labs LLC
Welby, Brady & Greenblatt, LLP
The Weldon Family Foundation Inc.
Western Midstream Partners
Wipro Limited
Zenon LLC

$10,000 - $24,999

Aaron B. Stein, M.D., PLLC
AECOM Tishman
AJ Gallagher and Co.
Akebia Therapeutics, Inc.
American Endowment Foundation
American Pile and Foundation LLC
Ameriprise Financial
AMG Charitable Gift Foundation
Amoruso Equipment Rental Co.
Andersen Tax
Arch Capital Group (U.S.) Inc.
Archbishop Stepinac High School
Arthur and Myra Mahon Charitable Foundation
ASCE Metropolitan Section
Atlas Merchant Capital
Avaya Corporation
Baker Botts
Belfor USA Group, Inc.
Bishop Loughlin High School
Boston Properties
Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc
Brewer Lane Ventures
Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.
Brooklyn Community Foundation
CA Technologies
The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.
CAC Industries
Celtic Sheetmetal, Inc.
CGI Technologies & Solutions
The Charles D. and Mary A.
Bauer Foundation
College Recovery LLC
Columbus Citizens Foundation
Community Counselling
Service Co., LLC
Concrete Industry Foundation, Inc.
Crowley Maritime Corp.
Day Pitney LLP
DeSimone Consulting Engineers
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
Educational Testing Service
The Edward T. Broderick Trust
Emerald City Construction
Enbridge Foundation
Enterprise Products Partners LP
Eversheds Sutherland LLP
Farrell Advisory Associates
Financial Force
Florida Marine, LLC
Follett Higher Education
Fowler Route Company
Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP
Gartner, Inc.
GEI Consultants, Inc., P.C.
The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation
Global Infrastructure Solutions, Inc.
Global Strategy Group
Go Next, Inc.
Gordon & Rosenblatt LLC
Greenberg Traurig LLP
H.O. Penn Machinery Co.
Halmar International LLC
Helen Matchett Demario Foundation Inc.
The Henry Luce Foundation
Hertz Corporation
Highfields Capital Management LP
Holly Frontier Corporation
Houlihan Parnes
Hudson Meridian Construction Group
HVAC Engineering, LLC
Impact Through Golf Foundation
Infinite Consulting Corp
Ingram Yuzek Gainen Carroll & Bertolotti, LLP
The Ireland Funds
IronNet Cybersecurity
Iroquois Gas Transmission System, LP
J Hallihan Charitable
J.Crew Group, Inc.
J.J. White Inc.
Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.
James E. Fitzgerald, Inc.
John J. Conefry Jr. Foundation
Jones & Frank
Jones Lang LaSalle
Jones Lang LaSalle Americas
Kirkland & Ellis LLP
Koch Industries
L+M Development Partners Inc.
Light & Wonder, Inc.
Macan Deve Engineers, DPC
Marsh & McLennan Inc.
McLane Company, Inc.
Merck & Co.
Merrill Lynch
MFM Contracting Corp.
Mitchell | Giurgola Architects, LLP
Mizuho Securities USA LLC
Morgan Marlon LLC
Musumeci Family Foundation
National Grid
Navigant Consulting, Inc.
Network Infrastructure, Inc.
New York Building Congress
New York Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Corp
New York Power Authority
Next Level Soccer
Nonna’s Garden
Northrop Grumman Corp.
OPI Construction
Paula and Andrew Liveris Foundation
Pfizer Foundation
Piper Sandler Companies
Posillico Civil, Inc.
The Posillico Foundation, Inc.
Premium Building Maintenance
Prudential Foundation
Rhode Island Foundation
Riverso Associates, Inc.
RLY Solutions, LLC
Robert Derector Associates
Rose Press Inc.
Rosen & Company, Inc.
Roux Associates
RSC Insurance Brokerage Inc
Rubenstein Associates
The Russell Berrie Foundation
Sempra Energy
Seyfarth Shaw LLP
Sharer Family Education Foundation
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Siemens Corporation
Silver Star Limousine
Skanska USA Building Inc.
Skanska USA Civil
The Society of The Friendly Sons of
St. Patrick, City of NY
The Society of The Friendly Sons of
St. Patrick, Westchester
Southfifth Group LLC
Spark451 Inc.
SPI Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Tailwind Youth Athletics, Inc.
Tata Consultancy Services
Tesoro Corporation
The Thomas & William Gilbane Foundation
Thomas K Lindgren PLLC
Tishman Speyer
TM Financial Forensics
TP Oriole Corporation
TPG Capital, L.P.
U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
United Building Maintenance Associates, Inc.
United Way of Rhode Island
Vachris Engineering, P.C.
Venable LLP
Violet Jabara Charitable Trust
Vlocity, Inc.
Wells Fargo & Co.
West Monroe Partners
Westchester County Department of Correction
Yonkers Contracting Company


$5,000,000 - $9,999,999

Estate of Richard V. Robilotti ’65

$3,000,000 - $4,999,999

Estate of Andrew V. Galway, Jr. ’68

$1,500,000 - $2,999,999

Estate of George V. Boselli ’49
Estate of Barbara Ann and Joseph J. ’58 Carroll

$1,000,000 - $1,499,999

Estate of James E. Conway ’54
Estate of John Jay Lennon ’56
Estate of Thaddeus L. Regulinski ’50

$500,000 - $999,999

Estate of Egidio Carbone, Jr. ’61
Estate of William R. Gray ’63
Estate of Elaine S. and James P. ’62 Hynes
Estate of Raymond C. ’66 and Cheryl R. Marier
Estate of Jadwiga Scala
Estate of Fanny Vivirito

$250,000 - $499,999

Estate of Christopher D. Cortese ’71
Estate of John P. Curley ’60
Estate of June Dwyer
Estate of John E. Hogan ’40
Estate of James F. O’Neill ’57
Estate of Father Erwin H. Schweigardt ’61

$100,000 - $249,999

Estate of Margaret and James F. ’47 Brady
Estate of Neal J. Dean
Estate of Rosanne M. DeMicco
Estate of Hilda and James T. ’49 Dolan
Estate of Helen and Joseph F. ’45 Dowling
Estate of James P. Duffy ’58
Estate of W. Wesley Eckenfelder, Jr.
Estate of John W. Gehrig ’50
Estate of Roger J Goebel ’57
Estate of Jefferson J. Hammer
Estate of William F. Jaenike ’60
Estate of Reverend Robert J. Kayser ’43
Estate of Laurence R. Keefe
Estate of George B. Kirsch
Estate of Charles V. Kovac
Estate of Michael J. Link ’57
Estate of Robert Masin
Estate of Edward J. McEneany ’60
Estate of Edwin C. Sagurton ’50
Estate of Eunice V. Van Hollebeke
Estate of Robert C. West ’52

$50,000 - $99,999

Estate of William F. Cosulich ’49
Estate of Bruce T. Cunningham ’54
Estate of Eleanor H. English
Estate of James J. Fitzpatrick ’71
Estate of Ramon Rafael Joseph
Estate of Thomas J. Kelly ’61
Estate of Robert J. Levine ’43
Estate of Marie M. and C. Eugene ’53 Miller
Estate of George A. Mulligan ’65
Estate of Daniel P. O’Neill ’63
Estate of John J. Reilly ’51
Estate of Donald F. Ryan ’59
Estate of Kathryn X. Ryan
Estate of Stephen A. Scalia
Estate of Robert P. Tarul ’60
Estate of Joseph H. Yamaoka ’56

$25,000 - $49,999

Estate of Martin F. Cody ’52
Estate of Ruth and Joseph ’47 Dottino
Estate of Mary Kathryn Farley
Estate of Arthur J. Griffin ’64
Estate of Jane and John J. ’59 Keegan
Estate of Shirley and Francis ’37 Leonard
Estate of John P. Madden, Esq. ’67
Estate of John D. Mahony
Estate of Michael McGinn
Estate of James P. McKenna
Estate of James J. McKeon ’56
Estate of Martin J. Moran ’61
Estate of Robert P. Otten ’55
Estate of James E. Reilly ’56
Estate of Eve M. Rouke ’68

$10,000 - $24,999

Anonymous (3)
Estate of Charles ’50 and Sylvia Covino
Estate of William G. Crane ’53
Estate of Joseph J. Gebhardt ’45
Estate of Joseph B. Gormley, P.E. ’56
Estate of Edward J. Hanrahan ’54
Estate of John F. ’51 and Eileen M. Hoban
Estate of Georgina and Raymond J. ’42 Keyes
Estate of Frank V. Krescanko ’53
Estate of H. Roy McArdle ’41
Estate of Catherine McCall ’72
Estate of John T. Meehan ’59
Estate of George C. Upton ’52
Estate of Joseph T. Walsh ’58

FT = Former Trustee
T = Trustee
TE = Trustee Emeritus
+ = Deceased