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Class of 1978 Donors


Matthew T. Farrell ***


Catherine N. Luongo-Dixon ***


Michael S. Foltin ***
John M. Golde ***
Maria W. Zazzera ***


Christine Brady ***
John M. Kirrane, Sr. ***
John F. Osterndorf, Jr. ***
Mark C. Sheeran ***

Lasallian Society

Thomas K. Lindgren ***
Kevin M. Ryan ***
Michael M. Schwager **
Massimo Sorbara

Leadership Group

Thomas G. Gardiner *
Mark S. Inserra ***
Linda M. Leone

Cupola Club

Michael J. Bachynsky ***
Peter M. Flynn ***
Francis G. Tripoli ***

Quad Club

Thomas J. Curry ***
Frank M. Daly ***
Maureen Doran-Houlihan *
Richard C. Grainger ***
Stephen N. Grant *
Stephen C. Hanson *
Deborah Matystik
Michael M. Minerva ***
Nancy V. Pelletier ***
Robert M. Skladony ***

1853 Society

James T. Buonincontri **
Michael J. Cussen **
Robert P. Murray ***
Christian J. Mussig, Jr. ***
James P. Norton *
Thomas E. Pedulla ***
Brian K. Radford
Ronald Yutko ***

Jasper Oval

Daniel V. Cahillane ***
Steven M. Carroll *
Vincent M. Cascio ***
Anthony J. Colaizzi
Rose Marie C. Colaizzi
Joseph A. Cundari ***
John M. De Bold
Mark J. Edsall
John M. Fray ***
Jeanne M. Kelleher ***
Thomas P. Lavin **
Richard L. McClintock, III
Kevin J. Miley
John A. Mirando
Brendan F. Monaghan ***
Christopher M. Power
Eugene F. Pradas
Michael A. Simeone


Joseph F. Capitani
Patrick J. Early ***
Joseph C. Gladyszewski
Richard Jackel ***
John W. Kennelly *
Luis A. Martos, Sr.
William J. Mullen ***
Conrado Orta, Jr.
Douglas H. Starr *

* = 3 or more years of consecutive giving
** = 5 or more years of consecutive giving
*** = 10 or more years of consecutive giving
Dignitary = $100,000 and more
Patron = $50,000-$99,999
Chairman = $25,000-49,999
Founder = $10,000 - $24,999
Member = $5,000 - $9,999
Lasallian Society = $2,500 - $4,999

Leadership Group = $1,500 - $2,499
Cupola Club = $1,000 - $1,499
Quad Club = $500 - $999
1853 Society = $250 - $499
Jasper Oval = $100 - $249
Supporter = $1 - $99