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Class of 1971 Donors


Daniel L. Marier


John H. Mark ***
Philip A. Simonetti *


Donald E. Christopher ***
Mark B. Codd ***
Thomas F. Donahue ***
George M. Shalhoub *


William J. Dowd ***
Peter M. McGroddy **

Lasallian Society

Brian Hansbury ***
George G. McCann ***
Robert D. Rampino ***
John P. Sasonoff ***
Thomas H. Welby ***

Leadership Group

Robert C. Barrett *
Vincent J. D’Aco *
Peter J. Mirabito *
Stephen A. Noceti ***

Cupola Club

Frank J. Castaldi ***
Richard T. Hayes ***
Frederick B. Pollert
Thomas E. Romesser ***
Robert C. Ryan ***

Quad Club

Joseph G. Cleary ***
Thomas J. Delaney, Jr. ***

Kevin J. Mulvaney **
Dennis M. O’Neill ***
Francis J. Walsh

1853 Society

David E. Braunscheidel ***
William G. Carey ***
Thomas R. Connelly ***
James B. Connors ***
Paul Echaniz
Stephen L. Gandley ***
Thomas G. Grilli ***
Stephen Holzmann *
John W. Meagher ***
Kenneth A. Mooney ***
Robert M. O’Connell **
Michael A. O’Neill **
Stephen J. Quinn *
Barbara M. Scanlan **
Richard M. Vaccariello *
James B. Willett ***

Jasper Oval

Brian D. Bennett *
Michael G. Beres ***
William V. Cabeche
Jerome D. Casey *
Lawrence F. Constantine ***
Michael Costello
James J. Coyne
Mark A. Domser
Damien J. Donnelly
James J. Doyle, Jr. ***
William P. Flynn ***
Edward C. Foscante
Thomas J. Groark *
Philip A. Haderer **
William T. Hunter
Richard M. Jones ***
Maureen Kaufmann ***
Richard E. Kessel ***

William P. Lawler ***
Robert J. Mangan **
Gerard H. Marks, Jr. **
Thomas M. McKernan *
Matthew J. McKinley ***
Jerome M. Morea, Jr. ***
Michael F. Moylan
Kennedy J. O’Brien *
Albert P. Pacione, Jr.
Daniel J. Paulish ***
Andrew N. Pucher ***
John C. Reynolds
Robert A. Rodriguez
John P. Royster *
Raymond F. Schak
Robert K. Smidt
Daniel R. Sullivan
James P. Sullivan
Edward M. Varga ***
John J. Wright


Thomas J. Amodio ***
Gregory W. Chase ***
Louis A. D’Angelo, III ***
Culum C. Flynn
Robert S. Loffredo ***
Thomas J. Lynch
Kevin J. McManus
Louis D. Neuburger, Jr.
Clifford G. Nyman
Burton T. Ryan, Jr.
Gregory J. Shaw
Richard S. Somma
Leon V. Stanisz ***
Prudencio L. Vieira

* = 3 or more years of consecutive giving
** = 5 or more years of consecutive giving
*** = 10 or more years of consecutive giving
Dignitary = $100,000 and more
Patron = $50,000-$99,999
Chairman = $25,000-49,999
Founder = $10,000 - $24,999
Member = $5,000 - $9,999
Lasallian Society = $2,500 - $4,999
Leadership Group = $1,500 - $2,499
Cupola Club = $1,000 - $1,499
Quad Club = $500 - $999
1853 Society = $250 - $499
Jasper Oval = $100 - $249
Supporter = $1 - $99
FT = Former Trustee
T = Trustee
TE = Trustee Emeritus
+ = Deceased