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Class of 1965 Donors


Bernard V. McElhone ***
Kenneth W. Orce *** FT


Walter R. Schnitzler ***


Donald S. Antilla
Bernard F. McDonagh ***


Phillip F. Castellano ***
Peter L. Cuneo ***
Francis M. O’Neill ***
Richard P. Remshaw *

Lasallian Society 

Robert E. Fenton ***
William A. Gazsy ***
John L. Heaney ***
James K. Spata ***
John A. Turner

Leadership Group 

Matthew J. Dowd ***
Ronald B. Herzman ***
Merrill G. Liteplo ***
Patrick J. Lyons ***
Vito J. Pagano
Daniel J. Towers ***
Paul J. Wondrasch ***

Cupola Club 

George D. Barlow, Jr. ***
Vincent A. Burolla ***
Patrick P. Falciglia ***
Robert A. Finger ***
John C. Fitzpatrick ***
James E. Gavin
Thomas J. Kavanagh, Jr. ***
Robert B. Kelly, Jr. ***
Gilbert P. Knarich ***
Bernard J. Leddy, Jr. ***
Thomas G. Otchy ***
Anthony M. Riccio, Jr. **

Quad Club 

William F. Eng **
Paul A. Feller ***

Arthur R. Garofalo ***
Liberatore J. Iannarone
John T. McCaffrey, Jr.
Gerald P. McCarthy ***
Arthur R. McFadden ***
Thomas A. Mullady ***
John P. Nelan ***
John M. Wallach *
Michael J. Walsh ***
Wayne E. Ward ***

1853 Society 

Gerard S. Bambrick ***
James A. Bernard, Jr.
Richard J. Blaney *
Edward Brumgnach ***
Thomas B. Burns ***
Frank A. Cuomo ***
David L. Eitelbach ***
Bernard C. Fleming ***
Joseph K. Gill ***
John J. Haugh ***
Edward T. Howley
John T. Kearney ***
John R. McFeely ***
Philip W. Megna ***
Joseph E. Morales *
Edward F. Nicholson ***
Patrick K. O’Connor ***
Leonard L. Palumbo ***
Richard F. Spoerl ***
Thomas Yip ***
John J. Zambrano ***

Jasper Oval 

Alexander A. Abela ***
Frank A. Barbieri, Sr. ***
Michael P. Bennett ***
William P. Cramer ***
Richard M. Crimmins ***
Joseph L. Cuneo **
James J. Curry ***
Joseph A. DeLessio *
Patrick F. Draper
Peter V. Esposito
Gerald T. Gilmartin
Donald M. Grieco ***
Ronald J. Gugnoni ***

Ronald J. Gugnoni ***
Brian M. Harney ***
James P. Hyland ***
John A. Kaiser ***
David J. Laheney
Richard P. Larkin ***
Alfred W. Lento *
Brian C. Loughlin ***
David J. Marhafer *** +
James B. McLaughlin, Sr.
John A. Mezak
Robert F. Pierson ***
James P. Quigley
Stephen F. Rauh ***
Robert J. Ravallo **
William J. Reifenberger ***
Eugene V. Roth **
Thomas J. Ryan ***
Gerald A. Schultz
James F. Stanley, Sr.
John E. Sullivan ***
John P. Tinger **


Franklin S. Ciofalo ***
George J. Conrad **
James P. Faulkner
Daniel M. Henn *
Edward J. Miller
Joseph V. Napolitano *
John R. Raggi ***
John P. Rooney **
John P. Tranchina ***
Theodore V. Vorburger ***
Lawrence F. Wakeford, Jr. **
Jeffrey J. Warnock

* = 3 or more years of consecutive giving
** = 5 or more years of consecutive giving
*** = 10 or more years of consecutive giving
Dignitary = $100,000 and more
Patron = $50,000-$99,999
Chairman = $25,000-49,999
Founder = $10,000 - $24,999
Member = $5,000 - $9,999
Lasallian Society = $2,500 - $4,999
Leadership Group = $1,500 - $2,499
Cupola Club = $1,000 - $1,499
Quad Club = $500 - $999
1853 Society = $250 - $499
Jasper Oval = $100 - $249
Supporter = $1 - $99
FT = Former Trustee
T = Trustee
TE = Trustee Emeritus
+ = Deceased