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Class of 1963 Donors


Thomas D. O’Malley *** TE
Michael J. Regan *** TE 


Kenneth G. Mann
Edward F. Miller, III ***


Raymond W. Kelly ***
James K. McDonnell ***
Richard G. Sartore ***

Lasallian Society 

William J. McNamara ***
John B. Molloy **
Joseph S. Schenk **

Leadership Group 

Douglas E. Cummings ***
Richard M. Raymond ***
John C. Trocciola ***
Dante J. Vescovi ***

Cupola Club 

Thomas A. Byrnes ***
Russell J. deLucia ***
Robert E. Guijarro ***
Francis X. Hart ***
R. Gerard Hyland *
William J. Kelly
John F. Ladley ***
Charles L. Martin, Jr. ***
Ronald J. Petro ***
Robert J. Schoner *

Quad Club 

Gerard J. Caccappolo *** T

Donald J. Cameron *
Michael G. Carberry ***
Robert G. Cardinale ***
Michael B. Crowley ***
Robert J. Kinpoitner ***
Brian C. Lynch ***
Thomas M. Marquet *
Eugene P. Sullivan ***
Henry G. Toolan ***
Salvatore S. Zulla ***

1853 Society 

Salvatore J. Bellofatto ***
John A. Burke ***
William G. Clancy, Jr. ***
Brian J. Donato **
Anthony J. Garro ***
Thomas P. Gunn *
John J. Harvey *
Kenneth P. Hodges ***
James M. Hogan, Jr.
Michael J. Kilkenny
John V. McCambley ***
John B. Mulligan, Jr. ***
Albert J. Rosa ***
Michael Savage ***
Richard M. Smith
Emanuel V. Sorge FT
Edward C. Sprenz
John J. Stankunas ***
Joseph F. Thelen, Jr. ***

Jasper Oval

Terence J. Bilancio ***
Joseph P. Bohan ***
Joseph P. Bohan ***
William F. Callahan ***
Gerard Canavan ***

James J. Geraghty ***
George F. Gilmartin ***
Alex S. Grodski ***
Rev. Richard J. Hoare
Frank J. Holzmann ***
James J. Horrigan
Robert C. Insull ***
Paul R. Jamin
John J. Jetzt ***
William A. Keating *
G. Joseph King *
Robert M. Maier ***
Victor F. Marsh ***
John P. McDonald ***
James F. McGovern
Philip G. Minardo *** +
Richard A. Monroe ***
Thomas J. Norris
William C. O’Donnell ***
Conrad B. Power ***
Michael A. Rogers
John Paul San Giovanni
Raymond F. Scanga ***
Richard G. Scarpelli ***
James F. Shanley ***
Carmen Tripo ***
Ronald J. Volino
Thomas G. Walsh *


Robert R. Douglass ***
Br. Dominic Gisondo, FSC
Michael M. Johnson
Laurence J. Lane
Francis P. Miller ***
J. Emmett Murphy, Jr.

* = 3 or more years of consecutive giving
** = 5 or more years of consecutive giving
*** = 10 or more years of consecutive giving
Dignitary = $100,000 and more
Patron = $50,000-$99,999
Chairman = $25,000-49,999
Founder = $10,000 - $24,999
Member = $5,000 - $9,999
Lasallian Society = $2,500 - $4,999
Leadership Group = $1,500 - $2,499
Cupola Club = $1,000 - $1,499
Quad Club = $500 - $999
1853 Society = $250 - $499
Jasper Oval = $100 - $249
Supporter = $1 - $99
FT = Former Trustee
T = Trustee
TE = Trustee Emeritus
+ = Deceased