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Class of 2013 Donors

Lasallian Society

Roberto J. Adames, Jr.

Quad Club

Daniel J. Sweeney

1853 Society

Thomas A. Lane
Paul J. Moreau
David J. Pecorini
Michael J. Reale ***

Jasper Oval

Christian A. Balmaseda-Lucca
Robert M. Fiore ***

Philip N. Messina *
Jeffrey M. Mohr


Tyrek J. Barney
Edward J. Breen
Kaitlyn M. Doyle
Stephen M. Edwards
Michelle M. Goffredo
Jared L. Hayes
Michael J. McGorty, Jr.
Laura M. Pena
Michael N. Psomas
Michael P. Salogub

* = 3 or more years of consecutive giving
** = 5 or more years of consecutive giving
*** = 10 or more years of consecutive giving
Dignitary = $100,000 and more
Patron = $50,000-$99,999
Chairman = $25,000-49,999
Founder = $10,000 - $24,999
Member = $5,000 - $9,999
Lasallian Society = $2,500 - $4,999

Leadership Group = $1,500 - $2,499
Cupola Club = $1,000 - $1,499
Quad Club = $500 - $999
1853 Society = $250 - $499
Jasper Oval = $100 - $249
Supporter = $1 - $99