Borrowing money for college can seem like an intimidating prospect. But remember, college is an invaluable investment in your future that will improve your career choices and success in the future.
Manhattan College is continually ranked as one of the best schools in the entire country for return on investment, meaning that our graduates are known for making top salaries. In fact, the latest Payscale ROI study rated Manhattan College’s 20-year net return on investment as $615,000, which is calculated as the difference between 20-year median pay for a bachelor’s degree graduate and 24-year median pay for a high school graduate minus the total four-year cost.
We’re invested in your future here at Manhattan College. We have
resources available to help make sure that you understand not only how much you’re borrowing, from whom, and how to pay it back, but also how to manage your money responsibly so you can make good financial decisions now and in the future.