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Merit Scholarships

Non-need based scholarships are awarded to applicants who have demonstrated extraordinary accomplishments.

Eligibility for these scholarships is based on a variety of accomplishments such as exceptional SAT or ACT scores, grade point average, volunteer and community involvement, extra-curricular accomplishments and class rank. All students who are accepted into Manhattan University are automatically considered for these scholarships. No additional application is required.

If you receive one of these scholarships, you will be eligible to receive the scholarship for four years of undergraduate study (eight semesters), as long as you are enrolled in a minimum of 12 credits at Manhattan University and maintain at least a 3.0 grade point average. Awards are subject to change if your residency status changes while attending Manhattan University. 

  • Presidential Scholarships
    Presidential Scholarships are awarded to highly qualified students in the top 15% of the Manhattan University applicant pool. As a Presidential Scholar, you are invited to join the Honors Enrichment Program.
  • Dean’s Awards
    Dean's Awards are granted to those in the top 25% of the Manhattan University applicant pool who have demonstrated outstanding extracurricular accomplishments throughout high school.
  • Chancellor’s Awards
    Chancellor’s Awards will be awarded at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee. These are awarded to students with high academic performance, leadership ability and extracurricular involvement.
  • Founder's Award
    The Founder's Award will be awarded at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee. These are awarded to students with high academic performance, leadership ability and extracurricular involvement.
  • Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship
    Manhattan University is committed to supporting the members of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) for their academic achievement and offers PTK scholarships based on their level of academic achievement.