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Talent & Special Scholarships

Special scholarships are offered to students who have demonstrated exceptional talents and/or leadership in their high school or community.

Due to the competitive nature of these scholarships, you will have to interview or audition, and submit additional application materials. Once awarded, these scholarships are offered for four years, as long as you maintain academic eligibility, in addition to the specific conditions of the scholarship. 

  • Athletic Scholarships

    For students recruited to participate on one of Manhattan University’s Division I athletic teams, there is the possibility of an athletic scholarship.

    • These students must be deemed admissible by our traditional academic standards.

    • Athletic scholarships and their amounts are determined exclusively by the Athletic Department.

    • These scholarships are renewable, subject to a student remaining academically eligible, and in accordance with specific conditions determined by the Athletic Department.
  • Performing Arts Scholarship

    The Performing Arts Scholarship is available to talented students who have been accepted into the freshman class and demonstrate exceptional ability in the area of instrumental or vocal music. Auditions are required to be considered for a Performing Arts Scholarship. 

    Consideration and Continued Eligibility Criteria:

    • Applicants must be able to read music and have experience in choir, orchestral, band or chamber music settings.

    • Applicants must appear for an audition conducted by a panel of performing arts faculty. 

    • Applicants must submit the application form below.
    • Scholarship awards are contingent upon holding membership in a minimum of two performing arts ensembles. Awards are dispensed each semester, and are renewable upon satisfactory evaluation by the ensemble director. Criteria such as punctuality, attendance, leadership skills and progressive musical development, as well as remaining in good academic standing are critical to successful evaluation.

    • The award is $2,000 per year and will renew annually each year (for a maximum of four years), so long as the student maintains satisfactory participation in the University ensembles. 

    Audition Guidelines:

    • Applicants must prepare two musical selections of contrasting styles and/or periods.

    • Instrumental students will be required to play a two-octave major and minor scale chosen by the panel.

    • Vocalists should be prepared to sing one of the musical selections in a language other than English.

    • Both vocalists and instrumentalists will be given a short selection to sight-read.

    Each applicant is required to appear for an in person audition. After completing the application for the Performing Arts Scholarship, the Director of Performing Arts will reach out to you to schedule an audition appointment. Under certain circumstances a virtual audition may be considered. Please contact Andrew Bauer at andrew.bauer@manhattan.edu for more information.

    Apply for a Performing Arts Scholarship

  • Jasper Dancers and Cheerleaders

    The Manhattan University Jasper Dancers are a Division 1 University Dance Team that compete both locally and nationally in the styles of Jazz and Hip Hop. The Jasper Dancers are 2019 National Champions in the NDA Division 1 Hip Hop category. Additionally, the team performs at all home men’s and women’s basketball games, and are active members of the Jasper community. For tryout information, please email their Head Coach - jasperdancers@manhattan.edu.

    The Manhattan Cheer team performs at all home men's and women's basketball games, along with a number of ancillary events, both on and off campus, throughout the year. They also travel annually to the MAAC basketball championships in Atlantic City. For tryout information, please email their Head Coach - cheerleading@manhattan.edu.

  • Quadrangle Scholarship

    See what it’s like to work in a real newsroom at The Quadrangle, where students can take on a number of roles related to the production of the university's newspaper. The Quadrangle is Manhattan University’s weekly student-run newspaper, published by our students for the campus community since 1924. 

    To apply, incoming first-year students for fall 2024 should submit a letter, via email, expressing your interest in the award and outlining your skills and qualifications, along with no more than two samples of your journalistic work. Application materials should be sent to Dr. Thom Gencarelli, professor in the Communication department, at thom.gencarelli@manhattan.edu

    Please submit your application no later than May 1, 2024. Also, please make sure you include your complete contact information, including a phone number and e-mail address, so that we can contact you if you are a finalist. The scholarship committee will review all applications and schedule an interview with the finalists in early June. Scholarship recipients will then be notified of the decision once the review is completed.