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Esports and Gamers: The Business and Industry

This program is offered in a hybrid model. Faculty will be physically in the classroom and students can attend the course in-person. Those that cannot attend in-person, can also participate fully online. Our classrooms are equipped to live-stream the sessions.

The program prepares participants for a basic understanding of working in the business of Esports and video games:  from marketing, PR, promotions, operations, and management.

Participants will learn from industry leaders currently engaged in Esports and video gaming as event managers, administrators, operators, and marketers. Some of our guest speakers come from companies and organizations such as Coca-Cola, Red Bull, Monster Energy, MKTG (agency), Game PlanU, Xfactor Communication, and Defend The North.

Who is this program designed for?

  •      Learners looking to strengthen their esports artistry
  •      Those curious about the esports and gamers industry and how it operates
  •      Professionals wanting to work in the virtual industry


  •      Grasp how esports and gamers operate on a more in-depth level
  •      Broaden knowledge and methods to apply to in the esports industry
  •      Develop Business competences


In order to receive your certificate, students must complete the following modules
  • Business Competences
    This module provides a full overview of esports, Video gamers, developers, and examines the full range of leagues and organizations.
  • Event Management, Operations & Fan Engagement
    The model discusses esports Management. Students will learn how to plan and execute small and large scale events utilizing the latest in streaming technology, develop business plans to develop teams, create online communities, and promote events through digital technology. Students will also explore the culture of esports, its audience and fan base, and dominant games genres that make up the industry.
  • Marketing and Promotions
    From digital, social media, streaming, and event traditional channels, students explore a variety of marketing and promotional strategies.
  • Sponsorship, Activation, and Brand Building
    Esports sponsorship strategy & activation is analyzed, evaluated, and contrasted to mainstream sports. For brands looking to reach esports professionals, competitors, fans, and viewers, insight, and experience will be explored. Students will learn how to evaluate monetary assets, create value benefits, develop sponsor packages, network, and sell to prospective brands. Students will also learn effective activation strategies and techniques.
  • Leadership Principles and Management
    The module covers the critical characteristics that make for great leaders. Students will discuss ten management principles that great leaders adapt and make their own. 
  • Content Creation/Video Production
    Content marketing is the foundation for executing an effective marketing strategy. Students will learn how storytelling, content creation, repurposing, and promotion come together to build a content marketing machine that grows a business. Students will gain an understanding of the context of the content, have a clear and employable strategy for content marketing, understand how to come up with a comprehensive content program. Students will gain an understanding of the ins and outs of video conception and production, learn clear approaches to developing video, and understand how to generate a story that works for viewers and the brand.

This program is only offered to high schools or higher education institutions (HEI) with a minimum of 12 students. If you are a school or HEI and would like your students to participate in this program, email us at This program is offered all year, and our team will discuss a date that works for your group.

For information, group rates, and registration, email
