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All engineering students follow an identical first-year curriculum that introduces all five engineering disciplines. Starting sophomore year, you will begin to take major courses in one of the following disciplines:

  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering

You may choose to minor in any of the other engineering disciplines, mathematics, sciences or other subjects.

As a first-year engineering student, you will take part in challenging, team-building projects that incorporate hands-on design. It is incredibly important to learn and master the fundamental concepts of engineering, because everything you learn going forward will build upon this foundation. Excellence in engineering begins in the classroom, but extends to post-graduate specialization, training and self-development. You get out of your education what you put into it.

Four-Part Curriculum

Students of each engineering discipline will study four areas:

  • General Education courses help round-out your technical education and provide the foundation for a fuller professional and personal life. These classes make up about one fifth of your entire curriculum and include college writing, history, literature, philosophy, social sciences, business and religious studies.
  • Mathematics and the Basic Sciences are essential to all engineering disciplines, and make up about one quarter of your curriculum. You will gain a thorough foundation in differential equations, chemistry and physics. All students are required to take a mathematics placement exam prior to enrolling in MATH 103: Calculus I.
  • The Engineering Sciences include topics such as statics, dynamics, electrical circuits, materials science and thermodynamics. These concepts build on the principles you study in mathematics and the basic sciences, and allow you to design and create engineering systems.
  • The Major Courses are specific to what engineering discipline you choose to pursue. Concentrations in chemical, civil, computer, electrical and mechanical engineering make up about half of your curriculum. Further depth and proficiency takes place in graduate programs.

The Future

As science and technology continue to advance rapidly, the School of Engineering stays current by continually examining trends in engineering education. The Manhattan College Engineering Consultors, a group of faculty members, engineers and industry leaders, regularly reviews and reevaluates the curriculum and core courses.