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Programs for High School Students

We offer several science programs for local high school students to introduce them to various scientific disciplines.

Courses run at different times throughout the year and cover topics such as chemistry, physics, biology and electronics. Participating in these courses can help boost your university application and give you and introduction to careers in science and engineering.

  • Physics I Lab

    This class offers an exciting hands-on introduction to the fascinating world of physics. Each session begins with a short lecture that introduces the mathematical tools and physics concepts that are relevant to the lab.

    The 10-week curriculum is as follows:

    1. Uniform motion with a toy car – Best fit line
    2. Uniformly accelerated motion - Kinematics
    3. Acceleration due to gravity – The pendulum
    4. Simple Harmonic Motion – Sine function – wolfram alpha
    5. Conservation of energy – Kinetic energy vs potential energy
    6. Buoyancy lab – Archimedes principle
    7. Inverse square law of light
    8. Introduction to optics – lenses and mirrors
    9. Lemon battery – measuring voltage and current
    10. Radioactive decay – exponential decay

    Each class is two hours, from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. every week for 10 weeks in the fall. A certificate will be provided at the end of the program for all students who have a perfect attendance.

    Recommended supplies:

    • Laptop with spreadsheet
    • Calculator


    • Interest in STEM
    • Strong motivation


    • This course is funded through a grant from the National Science Foundation so there is no cost for students to participate.