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First Year Seminar

As a student in The Kakos School of Science, you will be required to take a one-credit orientation seminar designed to help start your university career on the right path.

The first year of university is one of the most exciting times of your life. You’ll meet lifelong friends, explore your academic interests and experience things you never thought possible. Though you may be eager for what’s ahead, starting university can also be a bit overwhelming. As a student in The Kakos School of Science, you will be required to take a one-credit orientation seminar, SCI 100, designed to help you thrive at Manhattan University.

SCI 100 will ease your transition to university and lay the foundation for your future success. From connecting you with campus resources to enhancing your academic skills and developing your self-awareness, the First Year Seminar is here to help you navigate your first year with ease.

Topics covered:

  • Understanding Self
  • Time Management
  • Academic Success Skills
  • Goal-Setting
  • Campus Resources
  • Health and Wellness
  • Student Engagement
  • Career Exploration
  • Financial Wellness
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Academic Advising

SCI 100 is a requirement and applies to incoming first-year students, as well as transfer students with fewer than 18 university-level transfer credits.