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Liberal Arts - B.A./MBA

This program offers students in certain liberal arts majors the option of earning their B.A. and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree in five years.

Why Choose the Liberal Arts - B.A/MBA program? 

As technology transforms society, employers have a growing need for the critical thinking skills developed through study of the humanities. With the integration of  AI in the business sector, strengths in the areas that make us human will only become more valuable. With a degree in the liberal arts, you will build a foundation of cultural knowledge that spans centuries and that fosters ethical acumen and creativity. Graduates of this dual-degree program will enter the workforce with the “soft skills” benefits of intensive study in the liberal arts and the “hard skills” involved in the field of business that a Master of Business Administration (MBA) delivers.

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The business acumen and transferrable skills — problem solving, effective communication, analytical reasoning — that I acquired during the program remains the foundation for my career and enables me to succeed in my field today.

Amanda Ferrarotto '12 (B.A., communication and economics), '13 (MBA)

Who Can Enroll?

Students in the following arts-related majors are eligible to join the five-year MBA program:

Students considering this program are encouraged to notify their advisors as early as possible to allow for maximum flexibility in course scheduling.

What Will You Learn?

Students interested in pursuing this five-year program will learn: 

  • To examine the logic and methods of social science research and learn to analyze contemporary social issues from an economics perspective. 
  • How levels of production and the price level are determined in the macro economy. Topics covered include inflation and unemployment, money and banks, federal budget and national debt, monetary and fiscal policy, and economic growth and development.
  • The fundamental principles in accounting and their use in financial reporting for business organizations. 
  • An understanding of management from historical, behavioral, theoretical and practical perspectives.