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Computer Engineering

Computer engineering is the intersection of electronic engineering and computer science. Computer engineers create digital systems and devices that allow people to communicate information globally.

Why Choose Computer Engineering?

This badge signifies our computer engineering program is a stem-designated program.

Computer engineers research, design, develop and test computer systems and processors, circuit boards, memory devices, networks, routers and other components. In this ABET-accredited computer engineering program, you will amass an in-depth knowledge of the following principles:

  • computer application software
  • computer systems, architecture and operation
  • communication systems
  • data communications and computer networks

Program Concentrations 

Concentrations reinforce the broad relevance of the powerful problem-solving methodologies of engineering, and illuminate enabling technologies for applications of technology. The following concentrations are available to computer engineering students.

  • Applied Artificial Intelligence in Computer Engineering (9 credits)
  • Cybersecurity in Computer Engineering (9 credits)

New York City Location

Our location in one of the world’s major technology and business hubs gives our students access to internships and jobs at companies including:

  • IBM
  • Hewlett - Packard Co.
  • GE Energy Services
  • Con Edison
  • AT&T
  • Bell Labs-Alcatel-Lucent
  • Chevron
  • Raytheon
  • Lockheed Martin Corporation
  • AT&T
  • Pfizer, Inc
  • JPMorgan Chase
  • Intel
  • Verizon Communications, Inc.

Design Capstone Course

Ready to get your hands dirty? As a computer engineering major, you will design your own devices and systems as part of a team during the capstone course you'll take senior year. You will learn the important role each of the engineering branches plays in designing and maintaining computers, computer networks and software, electronic devices, and other complex systems.

This course offers opportunities for creative work with personal guidance by a faculty member.

What Will You Learn?

As you progress in your coursework in the computer engineering program, you will learn about:

  • Parallel and soft computing
  • Computer networks and architectures
  • Electromagnetics, photonics, biophotonics, nanophotonics
  • Imaging devices, image processing and pattern recognition
  • Analog and digital electronics, control systems and signal processing
  • Wireless and optical communications, wireless sensor networks

See the Degree Requirements

What Will You Do?

We live in a digital age, and the need for skilled computer engineers exceeds the number of existing qualified workers. A degree in computer engineering will prepare you to work in this dynamic and growing industry.