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Campus Ministry Co-Directors and University Chaplains

Manhattan University extends a warm welcome to Father Edward L. Beck, C.P., and Father Robert H. Joerger, C.P., AFSC, who are the new Co-Directors of Campus Ministry and University Chaplains.

As Co-Directors, they will facilitate and enable the spiritual growth and mission of the Manhattan University community.  This will be done by active presence and availability to all on campus, as well as by facilitating retreat and prayer experiences—including the weekly Sunday Evening Mass-- that will foster the possibility of deeper spiritual realization and connection.  The Fathers also will facilitate ways in which the myriad spiritualities and faiths present on the Manhattan University campus can be channeled into service and social action for others, especially those in need. 

Co-Directors and University Chaplains

  • Father Edward Beck, C.P.

    photo of Father Edward Beck, C.P.
    Father Edward Beck, C.P., attended Xaverian High School, Brooklyn, and started his college studies at Brooklyn College prior to transferring to Assumption College/Holy Cross College (MA) where he received a BA in Religious Studies and a minor in Philosophy.  He has a Master’s in Christian Spirituality and a Certification as a Spiritual Director from Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska.  He served as Campus Minister at Assumption College before moving into the world of broadcasting where he served as the on-air religion and media commentator for ABC News (2009-2013) and CBS News (2013-2014) in New York as well as for CNN (2014-2023).  Father Beck served as the Parochial Vicar of Union City, NJ; the Formation Director of the Passionists, Philadelphia; a preacher of Parish Retreats; and the Executive Producer of The Sunday Mass for television.  He is a published author, having written God Underneath, Unlikely Ways Home, and Soul Provider.
  • Father Robert Joerger, C.P.

    photo of Father Robert Joerger, C.P.
    Father Robert H. Joerger, CP, AFSC, is a native of Brooklyn.  He, too, attended Xaverian High School and then received his BA from Assumption University (MA).  He holds a Master’s in Theology and Master’s in Divinity from St. John’s University (NY) and a Master’s in Christian Spirituality from Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska along with a Certification as a Spiritual Director.  He also attended the Institute of Culinary Education in New York.  Father Joerger also has a media background, having served at the Passionist Radio and Television network in West Springfield, MA.  He was a Consultor to the Superior General of Passionists in Rome from 2000 to 2006 and followed this with many years of Passionist Preaching Ministry in the Bronx and Westchester County, NY.  Father Joerger also served as the provincial of the Passionist Eastern U.S. Province for 16 years.  He currently serves as the Catholic Chaplain at Calvary Hospital, Bronx.
Both Father Beck and Father Joerger look forward to meeting many Manhattan University students, faculty, and staff and learning about and assisting in the spiritual needs of the entire community.  They stated that they are excited to be part of the LaSallian heritage at Manhattan University and enjoying a close working and personal friendship with the Christian Brothers on campus.