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Spiritual Retreats: L.I.F.T.

The Lasallians in Faith Together (L.I.F.T.) program encompasses all of Manhattan College’s spiritual retreats.

Each retreat opportunity offers something different to its participants, but all provide a quiet space for self-reflection and faith discovery. We welcome people of all backgrounds and experiences to join a retreat program and meet new friends who may share similar or different views on life. Retreats are typically held off campus, and many take place at the Empowerment Center which is located on a sustainable farm in the beautiful Hudson Valley. 

Experience joy, love, laughter, goodness, faith, healing, wisdom, friendship and good food at one of our L.I.F.T. retreats:

  • L.I.F.T. Kairos

    candle light vigil
    Kairos is the hallmark retreat at Manhattan College, and a great introduction to examining your relationship with God, self and others. All students are welcome to experience a weekend of great fellowship, with amazing food, small and large group conversations, and beautiful music in a beautiful setting.
  • New Students Retreat

    Lasallian collegians student group
    The New Students retreat is specifically catered to our first-year students, whether they're transfer students, freshmen, or non-traditional students. This retreat serves as a wonderful opportunity to learn about and more fully understand our Lasallian heritage, as well as connect with peers at your new home. We provide students with transportation, meals, and resource tools to help them become better acquainted with our community, traditions, and values.
  • Hiking Retreat

    student group in prayer
    Join CMSA for a day-long getaway to Bear Mountain. During this Hiking Retreat, students explore the intersection of spiritual wellness and physical wellness, all while reading and reflecting on the words Scripture, Mary Oliver, and Henry David Thoreau.
  • A Weekend in Camden

    Urban plunge student group
    This retreat involves a weekend of prayer and service in Camden, NJ. Participants help clean up neighborhood parks with Desales Service Works, conduct outreach work with the homeless at Joseph’s Overnight Shelter and visit Last Stop Alcoholics Anonymous Resource Center.
I loved the L.I.F.T. retreat talks and how they served as a space to allow everybody else to be vulnerable. It made it possible for us to get closer and form new friendships.

Maria Pichardo Class of 2026 L.I.F.T. Participant

Read More Testimonials

More Information

Visit the Inside Manhattan website for details about specific retreat dates, locations and how current Manhattan College students can sign up for a retreat.

Campus Ministry & Social Action Website