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Agape Latte

Agape Latte is a monthly speaker series program that provides a safe, social environment for students who are seeking to learn more about how faith applies to real life questions.

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Agape Latte is a monthly speaker series program that provides a safe, social environment for students who are seeking to learn more about how faith applies to real life questions.

The program includes trivia, coffeehouse-style music, and a 30-minute reflection with questions. In the reflection, a leader from campus shares an aspect of their faith journey that invites students to reflect on their own life questions. Speakers address topics such as a friendship, hope, forgiveness, prayer, dating, and discernment.

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instagram @mc_agapelatte 


Watch Past Agape Latte Speakers

Agape Latte has featured many faculty and staff speakers from the Manhattan University community. Each one offers a different look into the faith journey.