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Impact of Your Gift

labs-470-x-470.jpgThe Brothers’ Legacy Project is much more than a commemoration: it is an investment in the enduring strength of student and faculty research in engineering and the sciences at Manhattan.

As part of this meaningful initiative, every donor who makes a gift will be recognized on our permanent Brothers’ Legacy Memorial Wall, adjacent to the timeline honoring leading Brothers in engineering and the sciences.

Donors also may choose from among the following major named gift opportunities:

Naming Opportunities

  • $100,000 and above

    Named Laboratory

    Your gift will play a crucial role in modernizing one of the varied engineering and science labs located on campus. In recognition of your remarkable generosity, that lab will be permanently named for you or the individual of your choice.

  • $50,000 and above

    Named Scholarship

    Scholarships are central to the continuing strength of Manhattan’s Lasallian Catholic mission. You can establish a named scholarship to assist a talented undergraduate with demonstrated need in engineering or one of the sciences. 

  • $25,000 and above

    Named Laboratory Equipment

    Your gift will ensure that students and faculty always have access to the most up-to-date equipment and emerging technologies in our engineering and science laboratories.